A trip to save us all (part III) [PTX]

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Part III, Saturday and Sunday

Avi's P.O.V.
Scott asked me to come along with the band to Morro Bay to help with writing. I was hesitant, but at some point the pros outweighed the cons, so I agreed. I had some studio sessions to go to, so I said to him I'd arrive Saturday. At last, I was nervous. A lot of them I haven't seen in a very long time. How much have they changed? Are we all even able to be really good friends again? Some there I have never seen before, so I didn't really look forward to it, but I agreed to Scott and I want to be a good friend to him, so I couldn't back out now. As I was driving on the freeway, I thought of a simple plan: just stay in the studio for most of he time and write. Don't interrupt them on their activities and just ignore some. I was excited to write, it had always been my favorite part of making music and now I get to do it next to the shore.

Time flew by and I arrived at the cabin and it took me a minute to really find the courage to walk in. I had no idea who knew about my appearance. Scotty told me it would be a surprise to some and I had an idea as to who "some" was. After I had a moment, standing in front of my car and gazing at the cabin, I grabbed my stuff and rang the bell. The door opened fairly quickly and I was caught by surprise. Scott stood there and greeted me. I felt a rush of excitement and I couldn't wait to see everyone again thus after Scott let me in, I found my way to the living room.

'Hi, everyone! Did you all miss me?' Everyone seemed excited and shocked at the same time, all but one, and I was attacked with hugs and questions.
After everyone calmed down, we just sat down and talked and talked and talked for at least three hours - apparently I missed a lot of tour pranks and other shenanigans - and I was introduced to the new boyfriends of Scott and Mitch, who I was very pleased to meet, however if they are here then I would suspect someone else to be here a.k.a. someone who could really blow this vacation for me. I made a mental note for myself that I gotta ask her about that later, in a non creepy way, of course.

The time in the studio went amazingly excellent: within two hours me and Kevin wrote an entire song and we were pretty satisfied with it, so we decided to have a break and see what the others were up to. I saw the two couples hanging out in the pool outside, Kevin went to Esther in the kitchen and I knew Matt was upstairs, calling a few friends of him. Having no idea where Kirstin was, I asked the pool boys.

'She's in her room, said se wasn't feeling too good' Scott answered and now I felt the need to go and check on her. I just nodded at them and "naturally" hurried upstairs - let it be known that I can sometimes be the most uncomfortable human there is on this very planet. I heard distant talking and I got closer and I heard her voice. Was she talking to herself or is someone else in there? Maybe she's just talking to the dogs.

'I don't know, I would've liked it if Scott had warned me, you know?'

'I get it, but I think there's a reason why he didn't tell you.' It was Matt's voice. Wait a minute, Matt is in her room? Since when did they get close? I really missed a lot. Just as I now missed a part of this conversation.

'My temper is not the problem here, I'm an adult. If I could've had some time I would get over it. I mean, he is an amazing writer and a crucial asset to our songs, so it makes sense that he was invited here.' I heard her sigh. 'I'll just try to avoid any form of contact with him.'

'You know that's impossible Kit,' Hey, that was what I always called her. To think that I liked this guy first. 'but I'll just try to help you. If you're uncomfortable just look at me and I'll just jump into the conversation and pull you out of it.

'Thanks Matt, you're really the only one here who fully understands me.'

'What even happened between you that this is such an important case for you?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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