Dangerous places (part 2) [PTX]

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'What a horrible situation.' I said to myself out loud. 'A young guy who did nothing wrong, just murdered, out of nowhere, with no reason.'

'We don't know if there wasn't any reason for that, but we'll find out. Let's just send the information to Boss and Kevin and see where David, Taylor and Eliza live, so we can visit them, if Boss even allows us to interrogate them. Maybe he's letting another team do it this time' Mitch said as we entered our car again.

'He can't do that, because I'm not handing this case over to someone else! He knows how I am with these sorts of cases.'

'How possessive you get over your assigned cases? Oh, I'm sure he knows that, so we probably won't lose the case, but you can better be prepared. Is all the information we got sent to Kevin?'

'Yes, it is.' Mitch answered. 'He'll probably call us in a minute or so.'

And turns out he was right. A little later the oh-so-recognizable ringtone of Mitch's phone was heard throughout the car and he picked it up as soon as he saw the ID caller, Kevin'

'Hey guys, way to start the morning. You've done a good job at gathering information from Mrs. Hart. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything outstanding information from Jason. It looked like he lived a normal life, a great life. His mom and dad always had a normal relationship and he got along with them great, his grades were fine and a few years ago he was done with his study and moved to New York for a job. He worked there as an accountant and also that seemed to go fine. However, I did look up things about David, Taylor and Eliza. All three of them are 25 years old and they live not too far from where you are right now. I'll send you the addresses and I advise you to go to David's house first, he seemed to have the best relation with Jason.'

'Okay, thanks Kevo, really appreciate it. We'll go to David and see what happens there. Call us once you got more.' And with that I ended the call and immediately after that we got David's address and it was indeed not very far from here, so I started the car again to our new destination.

Once we got there, the atmosphere had drastically changed. We were no longer in the happy, pretty neighborhood of the house of the Hart's, but instead we saw a lot of harmed houses, mostly apartments. No color was shown in the street, there weren't even some plants. All the buildings had a grey or brown color and just the vibe from this neighborhood felt bad. When we looked at the window where David's place was supposed to be, we saw the curtain were still closed.

'Do we have to wake him up? Since it doesn't look like he is awake right now.' I hesitantly asked.

'Well it's just 11 am, so it doesn't really surprise me, honestly. I mean they did go out last night to some sort of club' Mitch answered, his gaze still focused on the window with closed curtains, that belonged to David Miller.

'If it got that wild last night, who knows what happened to Jason then.' Kirstie said, also still looking towards the ceiled window.

'Let's find out and get some answers then.' I stated as I walked to the door that leads to the apartment complex. David lived on the second floor, since it was a small complex. The first door right was his place and when we arrived I quickly knocked, being too curious to find out his part of the story.

The door didn't open at first, so I knocked again and saying: 'This is the police, open your door now' with a commanding and stern voice. And I got an answer.

'Geez, have a little patience, I just woke up.' Came from a female's voice and when the door opened, it also revealed a girl standing in the opening, who definitely looked like she just woke up. 'What are you doing here this early?'

'Is David here? David Miller.' I asked her and as respond she turned around, walking into the living room as she started calling David with a loud voice and telling him there were 'people' asking for him.

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