A trip to save us all (Part II) [PTX]

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Friday & Saturday

Kirstin's P.O.V.

It was almost eleven am and I woke up groggy and confused in an unfamiliar bed. I forgot to close the blinds so the sun was shining brightly in my face. I wanted to move, but soon found out that was nearly impossible thanks to my two dogs being spread out on the bed, which seemed bigger than it now feels like.

If I'm going to wake up like this every morning then I'm not so sure if I'll keep them on the bed. Maybe it's better if they stay in their kennels during the night.

Someone was cooking breakfast downstairs and as the smell got more and more intense, I started to feel more awake and so did my stomach. I got unravelled from the "dog blanket", which awoke them as well, and thus they followed me downstairs to see that Kevin was testing out the kitchen and baking eggs.

'Good morning sunshine,' he greeted me and laughed as the dogs ran to him for attention, 'and good morning to you two as well.' He turned to me again. 'How did you sleep?'

'I was really tired from the drive, so I slept excellent. I only couldn't move when I woke up thanks to these two.' I answered motioning to Olaf and Pascal who were still hanging around Kevin, probably hoping that he'll give them some food. 'I'm thinking of putting them in their kennels during the night, but I'll see.' I shrugged. Kevin only nodded and went back to focussing on his eggs. I decided to let the dogs explore our backyard. I hadn't seen it, so I also used it as an excuse to see what that looked like. Most of it was just plain grass but it was a big convenience for the pups, but what really pulled my attention was a small fence that led to something else. I stepped outside with my bare feet on the grass, feeling a little bit damp from the morning, but as I was able to see over the fence, I saw we had a pool! I went back inside excitingly, leaving my dogs to play in the grass.

'Kevin! Have you checked out the backyard? We have a pool! Isn't that amazing?'

'What!' He exclaimed. 'You've got to be kidding me?'

'Go see for yourself, it's behind the fence.'

He quickly came back with the excitement readable from his face. 'Esther could've told us that. That's awesome.'

'Hey where did you actually get the eggs from. We didn't buy those last night, did we?' I asked as I sat down on the bar chairs to see what was happening in the kitchen

'No, we brought a bag for our first breakfast here, remember?' I looked at him bedazzled and shook my head.

'Yeah, I got the tip from A- Oh yeah, you weren't informed about that.' He suddenly shot his eyes away from me back to his eggs that were far from done.

'Informed about what?'

'Oh nothing, just uhm the breakfast bag.' I nodded, still slightly confused, but my morning head couldn't see what was wrong, so I went on.

'Oh, OK, do you wanna make me some, now that you're already busy.'

He laughed. 'Of course, I'll get to it in a minute Kirst.'

I looked back at the garden and saw my two dogs already sunbathing in the grass. They looked adorable, I'm glad I brought them along. Then I hear walking sounds from upstairs and slowly the footsteps sounded like they're walking down the stairs and I see Scott coming down, still yawning with a hand in his hair that's even messier than normal.

'Good morning America.' He says walking into the kitchen to me and Kev. Shit, that brings back wrong memories.

'Scott...' I look at him with a questionable look. He should know.

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