An unexpected night [MIRSTIE]

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Mitch' P.O.V.

Did I feel like going out tonight? No. Did I agree on coming with them? No. Did they force me to go? Hell yes. We have a day off tomorrow and every time we have a day off, most of the crew decides to go out. Usually, I go along, sometimes I stay behind with some others. But since tomorrow is our last day off on this tour, everybody's going. I said "no" and everyone started to whine. 'You're no fun.' 'Come on Mitch, it's our last day off, we gotta enjoy it.' 'I promise you, it'll be fun.' Etc etc. I knew their whining wouldn't stop, so I decided to give in, probably just staying in the booth the whole night, or at the bar, depends on the place we go to. And thus, I got ready.

I heard someone knocking on my hotel door. 'Mitchy, are you getting ready?' It was Scott. 'I'm coming in.' True to his words, I heard the door open and footsteps entering the room I was given for two nights. A wash of coldness came along with him as I was just changing shirts, making me shiver.

'Sorry I brought the cold.' Scott immediately apologized once he saw that I shivered. 'Hey, I know that you're not really excited about tonight,' he started again, 'but I promise you you'll have fun. And otherwise we can go back to the hotel and just watch a movie.' I know he'll keep that promise, but I also know how much fun he's going to have and he'll definitely be bumped out when I ask him if we can leave, and that is the least I wanna cause.

'Don't worry, I'll be fine.' I said quite monotonously and Scott gave a quick "okay", before he left. So, I guess this was it. I'm going out, even though I really don't want to, but it's for a good cause, I know it'll make my friends happy and that is also important.

We went to a bar. It was the closest thing we could find because we didn't want to go somewhere that was very removed from our hotel. It was fairly calm inside, which was nice. At least, there isn't blaring music and five-hundred people in a very small space dancing, sweating and constantly touching others. We went and sat at a table, Scott and Nicole going to the bar to get us all beers for a starter. We talked, laughed, drank. It wasn't that bad, even though I wasn't participating in most of the conversations. After a little while, most of our group got up to dance because some recognizable songs came on. I decided to hang by the bar and just watch them. They made me smile. I know they forced me to go here, but I can't be mad at them. Watching them having fun, makes me happy and I'm sure I look like some idiot right now. I ordered another beer, not feeling like drinking anything fancy. I was calmly enjoying my drink, until someone started talking to me.

'Are those your friends?' I heard a guy say next to me. I didn't want to start a conversation, so I hoped a single nod would give the sign. I guess it didn't

'Why aren't you joining them? They dragged you here?'

'They slightly forced me, but I don't care, I'm having fun.'

'You sure?' Gosh can this guy stay out of my business. I can't understand how people can sometimes be so incredibly blind when it comes to conversing.

'Yes, I am sure.' I said, slightly annoyed, hoping for him to get the message.

I still don't think he got it. 'Well, if you say so. I'm Eric by the way.'

Oh God he's introducing himself. Is he trying to hit on me. I'm not doing that tonight. Should I be polite and say my name? I can't hurt and I don't want to be an ass. 'I'm Mitch.'

'It's nice to know your name. I have to leave in a couple of minutes but,' he started to reach into his pocket and he got a white card out of it, 'you can call me if you want.' He gave me his 'business' card (it looked really unprofessional) and winked at me. If I wasn't cringing before, than now I am. I have to let him know I'm not into this nor him.

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