A trip to save us all [PTX]

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This multiple-part story will maintain multiple ships as Scomarson, Meau etc...

Part I - intro, Thursday

Third person P.O.V.

@PTXOfficial: 'Hey guys, in the upcoming weeks or so we'll be very inactive. We're going on a trip to help us relax and make the next album the best one yet! We hope you understand. Love, Scott, Mitch, Kirstin, Matt and Kevin.'

'Does everyone have all of their stuff in the car?' Scott yelled from the big van they hired. He volunteered to drive, Kevin would take over when he got tired. They were about to have a trip alongside the western coast for a few hours and eventually stop in Morro Bay with a small break in Santa Barbara. Esther hired an amazing cabin for two and a half weeks where they could rest and work on the album. The van they hired could fit exactly six people and was spacious enough for everyone to have some personal space. All their bags were able to fit in the back, although it did call for some tactic organization, probably because some of them brought too much unnecessary stuff. After everything and everyone was settled, they started the ride, with Scott behind the wheel, Kevin next to him, behind Scott sat Mitch with on the other side, behind Kevin, Esther and in the back, behind Mitch sat Kirstin with on the other end Matt.

All the seats were separated by a small path but that space was also occupied, since there was no reason for Kirstin to leave Olaf and Pascal for those weeks, so they were laying quietly on the ground. Everyone was ready for the ride. They just had a big dinner with everyone and now around eight pm they started to drive, knowing that when they arrive at the cabin it'll be past midnight and a perfect time to test out the beds. The first part of the ride to Santa Barbara consisted out of singing, laughter and throwing ideas for new songs, some useful, some not so useful. The energy was high and everyone was excited and slightly hyper, acting like the children they can sometimes be. They made sure to let the fans know the amount of fun they were having trough Instagram, but what the videos showed, was only a small portion of the amount of fun they were experiencing.

The five of them were interrogating Esther as to how the cabin looked like, since she didn't want to let any information go about the place, just to make it a surprise, because it looked amazing. Acting like the mother of the group, she told them to have patience, but all of them whined in response.

As the co-driver, Kevin claimed the AUX-cable to play a combination of 90's songs and today's hits, that everyone seemed to be content with. As a result, the rest of the ride they were silly singing the entire time, every once in a while giving one another their 'moment of shine'.

Soon enough they arrived in Santa Barbara where they had a stop along the beach. Somewhere they found a parking place and surrounding it were some stores, some still open, others already closed. The stores were a convenience, because in the car there weren't any drinks nor snacks, so before they went to sit at the beach, they were going to empty out the supermarket. They divided the 'tasks': Scott and Esther had to get the food - they ended up looking at the cd section to search for PTX's latest album and with success -, Kevin and Matt had to get drinks for everyone - they got that task to be sure no one grabbed any alcohol - and Mitch and Kirstin went to look for a bathroom since they've been nagging Scott for a big part of the ride to look for a bathroom, both exclaiming they had "small bladders".

After everyone was back and outside the store, they walked towards the ocean. Deciding that sitting on the sand wasn't a good idea, Matt spotted a good place to sit with all of them, but it did require some physical activity to actually get there, namely some minimalistic climbing, but since there wasn't really any other option, they all got there. It was a big, mainly flat rock, that was attached to beginning of the beach, that allowed the group to have a beautiful view of the sand, sea and the sunset.

They talked, laughed and appreciated their surroundings, that being not only the beautiful view but also every one of the group and everyone who's to come. Today is a Thursday and next Saturday Mark, Mason and Beau will also join the fun, because what's a better inspiration than the people that make you feel love on a whole other level for songs? The pups weren't being very active, probably because of the late time. They were sprawled out over some laps or laid beside the group.

Time flew by quick, almost too quick and before they knew it, it was already close to midnight and they still had two hours left of the ride left, so they started the car again, now with Kevin behind the wheel and Scott controlling the music. It didn't have a lot of affect, since most of them were tired and in a few minutes Matt, Kirstin and Esther were already out, leaning with their heads against the doors, and the pups were also out on the floor. Scott thought that this was the perfect moment to add something to his story on Instagram, not thinking about the consequences he would have to face when the three found out. As a result, the last part of the ride was peaceful and eventually Scott and Mitch dozed off for a little while as well, which was the perfect circumstance for Kevin to focus on the road - not that the road was very busy or anything.

Soon enough, Morro Bay came in sight, even though big part of the group didn't notice it. When the GPS said that they reached their destination, Kevin really looked at where they were and the cabin in front of him. It was amazing, simply stunning, even in the darkness of the night. The outside was made of wood, it had multiple stories with balconies and a view of the sea, and the rooms on the other side had a beautiful view of the forest. When the car stopped moving, Scott and Matt woke up, but the other three were still very much asleep. So, Matt leaned over to wake up Kirstin, Scott woke up Esther behind him and Kevin did the same with Mitch. Now that everyone was awake - the ones that had to be awaken, were a little less energetic and a bit groggy still - they grabbed the suitcases from the back of the car and Scott and Kirstin put the leashes on the dogs, whilst Esther searched for the key she as given of the cabin. Now that everyone could see the cabin, they were a little awestruck and overwhelmed, even Esther, although she already knew how it looked. No one wanted to wait any longer, so the door was being opened and they all raced inside. They entered a big living room, with a very large couch and smaller chairs beside it, surrounding an enormous television, that they were planning on making good use of during these weeks. Attached to the living room was a big open kitchen, with an island. It was very modern, but furthermore not incredibly special. What did grabbed their attention was that there wasn't only a stairs that went up but also one that went even more down. It was investigated quickly and it seemed to be a small recording/writing space, which they were obsessed with. After that they went upstairs, with the baggage they all carried with them on this trip. On the first floor there were three bedrooms, one being a master bedroom, which was quickly claimed by Scott, because of the ones who were going to join him later on the trip. Also on the first floor stayed Kirstin, who claimed the bigger bedroom out of the two left, so she'd have enough space for Olaf and Pascal, and Matt decided to claim the last one. So on the second floor there were four bedrooms, where the others made no big deal out of who had to pick the biggest room, so they just went to a room that spoke to them. There was only on bedroom left, but they just decided they'd use that for storage.

It was late, everyone was extremely tired, so they all were going to "hit the hay". Tomorrow they'll take the time to unpack, for now all of them got only their toiletries and sleeping clothes and got ready for bed, getting ready to explore the house and the beach tomorrow. 

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