Missed routine [KAVI]

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[A/N I'm not sure about this one? Feedback would be appreciated lol]

Third person

7.00 am: mom yells upstairs to get her up. She checks her phone for any important late messages or emails.

7.05 am: gets up and goes downstairs, where breakfast is prepared: two slices of bread with scrambled eggs, an apple, preferably red, a glass of milk and a cup of tea.

7.45 am: goes upstairs again to the bathroom to brush teeth, do skincare routine and put in her grey contacts.

7.55 am: back to room to change into the outfit, that she picked out last night, including matching pair of shoes and other accessories (belt, rings, bracelet), style hair, preferably slightly curled, put on a little bit of make-up.

8.20 am: wait downstairs until buss arrives to take her to school.

8.30 am: gives goodbye kiss to mom and gets taken to the place where she'll meet her best friends, where she'll be adored by her fellow classmates, where she'll get gazes in every corridor out of envy or from being lovestruck, but most importantly where she'll see the one who doesn't only see her beauty from the outside, but from the inside. Well, he sees her, she sees him as another one of those thousands of gazes, but doesn't know that he sees more, that he sees what she actually want people to see.

On Monday, nothing special happened: she woke up, did her morning routine, went to school, had theatre practice, dance class, dinner and made the little bit of homework she had left from that day. As she sat on the couch in the living room, reading one her favorite books, her mom had something to discuss with her. She had a sudden business trip, which happened more often, thus for the next few days she would have to leave her daughter by herself. They went through the basic topics they always went through whenever this happened: money for groceries, friends were allowed to come over and stay a night, no parties, calling whenever something happened, think about the extra theatre practice on Thursday at seven pm, don't forget that science project that is due to Wednesday and the laundry list went on and on. Her mother had to pack and left early in the morning. She didn't want to wake her daughter, so she was as quiet as possible and left her a little note, which read: "Take care, I love you." Kirstin didn't mind being alone for so long, she'll probably just invite a lot of friends to keep her company.

She'd wake up that morning, startled, only to realize it was 8.17 am, meaning she had a little more than ten minutes to get ready before the bus arrives. She'd forgotten to set an alarm, since her mom always woke her up in time, but when she isn't home, it means that she would have to set her own alarm and that morning she quickly figured out she didn't set her alarm.

She jumped out of bed and put on the clothes she had laid out last evening, fortunately, grabbed her glasses, since there was no time for contacts, did the main steps for her skin care, grabbed her bag and raced downstairs to grab an apple. She was still catching her breath as she saw the bus stop in front of her house, so she grabbed her bag, coat and keys and walked out the door, feeling weird and way too minimalistic for her liking.

She kept her head down during the bus ride and as the bus pulled up at school, she walked out as quickly as possible towards her friends that would certainly not judge her. As she walked through the corridors of the school towards her locker, she felt stared at, but not how they usually stare at her, she felt judged. She was hoping no one would recognize her and some indeed didn't, but enough people in there had known her for too long, friends and no friends, for them not to recognize her face. She felt as though all those stares were burning holes in her and she wanted to hide as quickly as possible. Arriving at her locker, she also found her friends there, who were oddly surprised to see her like this, but as she explained, they all understood and related to it. Doesn't everyone have one of those days every now and then? But the perfect girl had never, she wasn't late for classes, luckily, so her perfect presence score remained, but she still overslept and started to feel more and more insecure as minutes progressed.

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