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Liam: Hi is this Harry?

Harry: Yes..

Liam: Okay great my name is Liam

Liam: I'm one of Louis' friends

Harry: Hello?

Liam: Yes hi um I wanted to apologise

Harry: For what?

Liam: Dragging Louis to the states

Liam: bc now he can't come back until a few months and I feel bad you have to be like

Liam: Alone

Liam: So I'm sorry

Harry: Oh, no, it's fine. You didn't know.

Liam added Louis to the conversation

Liam: Louis I met your boyfriend

Louis: excuse me

Harry: I'm sorry what?

Liam: I mean the person carrying your child I have no idea what I was thinking calling him your boyfriend it's not like you talk about him and his curls and his cute bum 24/7 what

Louis: I am about to skin you with a plastic knife

Harry: Oh dear.

Harry: ...Cute bum?

Louis: I mean

Louis: yeah you have a cute bum

Liam are you serious???

Liam: right in front of my salad????

Louis: IM WEAK

Harry: Oh my god.

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