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"Can we give her a super cool middle name?" Louis asks as he bites into a chip, watching as Harry eats his salad with a small smile. "Beverly's already a sick name, we need a cool middle name."

"Like what?" Harry asks, cocking his head to the side a bit like a puppy. He's wearing Louis' sweater since he had complained of being cold, the cream colour looking so lovely against his pale skin.

"I don't know," Louis shrugs before looking down at Harry's salad. "Did you really only order a salad? Babe, I sure as hell know she wants more than a salad."

Harry's cheeks turn a rosy pink. "You don't have to be all proper and stuff around me, Harold," Louis snorts, passing over his plate of chips to Harry. "Eat."

"Thank you," Harry says softly, smiling at Louis as he picks up a chip and eats it. Louis smiles back, resting his chin in the palm of his hand as he not-so-subtly watches Harry eat.

"You're really cool to hang out with, y'know?" Louis leans back in his side of the booth, smiling fondly at Harry as Harry blushes and shakes his head. "You're easy to talk to."

"I don't remember you being this charming," Harry teases. Louis just laughs.

The waitress comes over to the table. Now, she has been eyeing Harry's bump the whole time she has been waiting on them. Louis doesn't know if Harry has noticed, but he certainly has, and he doesn't like it.

"How're we doing over here?" She asks in the fakest sweet voice Louis has ever heard. He watches her take a long up-and-down look at Harry one more time and then loses it.

"Are you doing alright, love?" Louis asks, giving the waitress the dirtiest glare he can muster. The waitress raises her eyebrows. "I mean, you've been staring at him for a bit. 'S there a problem?"

The waitress rolls her eyes. "No, sir," She says in a flat voice. Harry stays quiet, looking down at his lap as Louis continues to glare. "They just always give me the worst tables."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Louis asks, and there's a bit of a bite to his tone.

"How far along are you?" The waitress turns to Harry. Harry looks up at her through his long eyelashes, fiddling with the bottom of Louis' sweater he's wearing.

"Um," Harry looks scared of her. Louis really doesn't like that, how she's doing that to him. "F-Five months?"

The waitress looks him up and down. "Only five? You sure?" She practically spits at him. She then turns to walk away, but Louis gets out of his booth, looking ready to pounce on her. Luckily, Harry slides out of his booth and holds Louis back.

"Louis, Louis," Harry says frantically as Louis tries to get passed him to get to the waitress. "Louis, stop, please, it's not worth it!"

"Harry," Louis groans, immediately stopping when he feels Harry's hand on his cheek. It's like he melts into the touch, standing completely still while Harry strokes his cheek with his thumb.

"Let's sit back down, okay?" Harry soothes, smiling weakly as Louis sighs. "'S not worth it, I'm fine."

"I wanna kill her," Louis practically growls, but he helps Harry sit down on his side of the booth before sitting back down himself.

"Maybe she's just having a bad day," Harry says softly, shrugging with a small smile. Louis still looks angry, so Harry reaches across the table and grabs his hand, giving it a squeeze. Louis looks at him and sighs in defeat. He looks like he's about to say something when his phone buzzes.

"Hold on," Louis sighs again, pulling his mobile out of his back pocket and looking to see a tweet from Ned, who works at the Buzzfeed location Louis was working at in the states. He opens the tweet and practically falls out of the booth. "Ned's having a baby, what?!"

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