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harry is pushing this baby out of his ass. that is how beverly entered, and that is how she will be exiting. it's pretty self explanatory. i hate this comments that are like "LoL pUsH fRoM wHeRe" you know damn well where he's pushing from. the baby is coming out of his anus. i've made it explicit so no one will hit me w that bullshit again. i am a bitter woman and i have had enough


"Breathe, babe, it's okay."

"Lou," Harry whimpers, squeezing Louis' arm. They're laying on the couch, Harry laying into Louis with his head on his chest. He's wearing a grey thermal shirt and plaid pyjama bottoms, his hair pulled back by one of Louis' footie headbands.

"I know, baby," Louis soothes. The contractions had gotten more frequent, Harry seemed to be having them every fifteen minutes or so. "I'm so proud of you, love, you're kicking arse."

Harry's grip on Louis' arm loosens after a few moments, eyelids dropping as he sighs. "Can you sing to me?" He mumbles sleepily. Louis smiles fondly as Ozzy trots into the room, resting his head on Louis' leg so Harry can pet him.

"What do you want me to sing?" Louis asks, and Harry shrugs. "Okay, hm. Would it be totally cheesy and cliché to sing you a Jack Johnson song?"

"I'm all for cheesy and cliché," Harry laughs quietly. Louis runs his fingers through Harry's hair, sighing contently.

"Can't you see that it's just raining?" He sings softly, watching as Harry slowly closes his eyes. "There ain't no need to go outside, but baby you hardly even notice when I try to show you this song that's meant to keep you from doing what you're supposed to,"

Harry nuzzles his face further into Louis' chest, fingers still petting through Ozzy's hair lazily. "Waking up too early, maybe we could sleep in, make you banana pancakes, pretend like it's the weekend now, and we could pretend it all the time," Louis rests his hand on Harry's cheek, stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. "Can't you see that it's just raining? There ain't no need to go outside,"

Ozzy whimpers when Harry's fingers pause in his hair, and Harry laughs breathily before moving his hand again. "But just maybe, laka ukulele, Hazza made a baby," Harry giggles at that part. "Really don't mind the practice, 'cos Bev's my little lady; lady, lady, love me,"

"I wan' banana pancakes now," Harry mumbles, words a bit slurred from how sleepy he is. Louis smiles wearily, tucking a curl behind Harry's ear. He could spend forever just like this.

"Maybe not right now, love," He says with a chuckle, and Harry pouts. "I don't think you'd want to make them, and I certainly wouldn't know how."

"Can I nap, then?" Harry asks.

"Dunno why you're asking me," Louis replies. "Of course you can. Do you want to stay here or would you rather sleep in the bed?"

"Stay here," Harry mumbles. "With you."

Louis leans forward and kisses the top of Harry's head. Harry, eyes still closed, blindly reaches towards the back of the couch and pulls a blanket over the two of them.

"You can watch American Horror Story once I'm asleep," Harry mutters. "But if I have nightmares 'm making you stop."

Louis just smiles.

Louis is in the middle of Coven when Harry starts to whimper, eyebrows furrowing and nose scrunching up. He doesn't seem awake, however, and Louis frowns. He doesn't think he should wake Harry up, maybe just let him sleep through as many contractions as he can. Louis just rubs Harry's back and kisses his forehead.

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