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Louis: do u want me to come pick u up for the appointment

Harry: Yeah, sure. I woke up late this morning so I'm not looking my best. Sorry :(

Louis: shut the frick up ur beautiful

Harry: "Frick."

Louis: i'm trying to cuss less fuck off

Louis: no wait

Harry: Seems as though it's going well. I'll see you at one x

Harry is so beautiful.

Like, he's sitting in Louis' passenger seat in a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, hair up in a bun, and wow. He had apologised again as he got into Louis' car, blushing profusely as Louis showered him in compliments.

His baby bump is more present than it was a few days prior, no longer hidden under a baggy sweater, and Louis is in love with it. It looks so natural on him.

He snaps out of his trance after he feels Harry touch his arm lightly. "The light is green, Lou, you're staring," Harry giggles. The car behind them honks, and Louis blushes before moving his foot from the brake.

"Sorry," Louis clears his throat. "Was just...thinking."

"About?" Harry asks sweetly, looking at Louis like he's got all the time in the world for him. Louis hums, gripping the steering wheel with both hands. He usually drives with one hand on the wheel, the other sticking out the window, but having Harry and their baby in the car with him makes him want to drive safer.

"I just..." Louis is feeling very bashful of a sudden, and he doesn't know why, but Harry is sitting there so patiently and his heart is bursting and wow. He likes this lad more than he thought he would. "You look like a proper parent. I'm not making any sense. You just look so...like, natural. With the bump."

"The bump," Harry repeats quietly, a small bit of giggling taking over as he looks down at his rounded out tummy. Louis can't help but smile, although he doesn't try too hard to fight it, and watches out of the corner of his eye as Harry puts both hands on it, his fingers splayed out as though he's trying to cover the whole thing, keeping their baby protected.

They arrive to the doctor's office soon enough, Louis making sure he gets to Harry's side of the car fast enough so that he can help him out. Harry blushes and assures Louis that he doesn't need the help, but you can tell he appreciates it (Louis has many, many siblings. He knows how rough it gets once the second trimester hits).

They check in at the front desk, and sit down in the chairs in the waiting room. Louis' hand slyly finds its way to Harry's, and they're holding hands. Louis is holding hands with Harry, the most perfect human in the world. Harry's hand is so warm and pleasant, and wow, Louis' stomach is getting butterflies. He feels like he's in high school again.

A nurse calls Harry's name, and the two boys stand up–still holding hands–and walk over to her. She leads them to a scale down the corridor, where Harry kicks his trainers off and lets her weigh him.

After Harry is weighed the nurse takes them to an examination room, telling the two boys that the doctor will be in shortly. They both thank her, and then they're alone.

"Do you want to grab something to eat after this?" Louis asks, because he doesn't want to leave Harry so soon after the appointment. He wants to spend more time with him.

Harry smiles. "Sure," He nods, leaning back on his hands as he swings his feet back and forth. Louis is standing in front of where he's seated on the examination table, watching him fondly. "And then maybe after that we can go to your place."

"My place?" Louis asks.

"Not like that," Harry scoffs, nudging Louis' thigh a little with his foot. "Just to hang out. Discuss Beverly or Owen or whatever we're having."

"I have a dog," Louis blurts out. Harry just giggles at the outburst, head going back, and Louis clears his throat. "Like, a big dog. A Saint Bernard. I just picked him up from my friend Perrie's place yesterday, so he's, like, very hyper. Lots of people get scared of him."

"Louis Tomlinson with a Saint Bernard," Harry shakes his head. "Louis Tomlinson, the person who was freaked out by a rabbit named Lola, with one of the biggest dog breeds ever."

"I wasn't freaked out!" Louis argues. "'S not my fault you can't just keep a rabbit in a cage like a normal person."

"She needs to be free," Harry pouts. "I keep her in a cage when I leave for work everyday and such, I only let her out when I'm home."

"Doesn't she, like, shit all over the place?" Louis wrinkles his nose.

"Language, please," Harry chastises before putting his hand on his stomach. "And no, she doesn't. I trained her."

"That's adorable," Louis grins. Harry's cheeks turn pink as he looks down at his lap. There's a hard knock on the door before the doctor enters, smiling at the two boys.

"Good afternoon, boys," She greets, Harry's charts in her hands. She then notices Louis. "I don't believe we've met–I'm Doctor Thirlwall."

"'M Louis," Louis extends his hand toward Doctor Thirlwall, who shakes it politely. "I'm, uh, I'm the dad."

"Ah, I see," Doctor Thirlwall's smile widens. "How've you been, Harry?"

"Fine," Harry answers with a polite smile.

"You getting any of that round ligament pain we talked about?" Doctor Thirlwall asks as she motions for Harry to lay down.

"Yeah," Harry sighs, laying down on the table as Louis stands close to him. "Sometimes." Harry lifts his shirt up just enough so his stomach is exposed, and Louis can't help but stare. Harry judges him with his elbow, and Louis' eyes retreat to Harry's face, Harry smiling in amusement. Louis rolls his eyes and grabs onto Harry's hand, giving it a squeeze as Doctor Thirlwall gets out a small pot of gel.

"You know drill, babes," She smiles before spreading it on his stomach, Harry shivering a bit. This is the first time Louis is noticing Harry also looks a bit nervous, glancing from the ultrasound monitor to his stomach and then back again. Louis uses his hand that isn't holding Harry's to brush his baby hairs back from his face, something his mum used to do when he was younger. Harry closes his eyes and smiles wearily while Doctor Thirlwall gets the monitor all set up.

"Y've got a very healthy little bugger in there," Doctor Thirlwall says. Harry opens his eyes, turning his head to look at the monitor. Louis follows Harry's gaze, and his heart practically bursts as he looks at the monitor.

"Woah," Louis breathes.

"Would you boys like to know the gender?" The doctor asks with a smile.

"Yes, please," Harry says softly, smiling wide at the monitor.

"Looks like you're having a baby girl!" Doctor Thirlwall exclaims. "Congratulations, lads! Here's her heartbeat." A fast little pounding sound fills the room, and Louis is beaming. He looks down at Harry, who has the same bright smile plastered on his face.

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