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"I've gained five pounds because of you."

"Good morning to you too," Harry mumbles, feeling Louis climb onto the bed and wrap him up in his arms. "How is this my fault, exactly?"

"You're the one who's eating a bunch of shit." Louis points out. "And you're the one who always offers to share."

"You're the one who says yes," Harry argues sleepily. "And you're the one who's always like 'Harry, let's go get some ice cream, Harry, I'm bored.'"

Louis pouts, because that's true, but also because his voice is not that high pitched. He doesn't say anything though, instead just kisses the back of Harry's head. Mornings with Harry are so peaceful. He sleeps in late since he started maternity leave, and on Fridays and weekends he and Louis could stay in bed all day if they really wanted to. Some days Louis does really want to. Harry talks him out of it.

"You look beautiful this morning," Louis whispers, closing his eyes and nuzzling his nose into the back of Harry's neck. Harry scoffs.

"I look like a proper whale," He corrects, grabbing Louis' hand from his waist and pulling it up so he can press a kiss to the back of it. Louis can't help but chuckle, shaking his head.

"I think you're gorgeous," Louis argues playfully. Harry giggles. "Do you want a cuppa, love?"

"I can get it," Harry says. Louis rolls his eyes at Harry's stubbornness.

"Harry, love, you can't even sit up by yourself," Louis points out, his tone fond. Harry glares at Louis over his shoulder, making Louis laugh as he sits up himself. "I'll get you some tea, okay? Anything else you want?"

Harry sighs softly, letting Louis help him sit up. He does look beautiful, Louis was right. His hair has grown, getting a bit past his shoulders, and it looks shiny. Louis' Mum told him that's a pregnancy thing. His skin looks amazing too–everything about him is glowing. Pregnancy really suits him. Louis' in love. He wouldn't dare admit it yet, but he is.

"No thank you," Harry says quietly, giving Louis' hand a squeeze. Louis just smiles at him, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand before climbing off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.

When he comes back in Ozzy is on the bed (where he's not supposed to be), laying down at Harry's side as Harry scratches behind his ear with a mile wide grin.

Harry looks up and smiles at Louis sheepishly. "I was lonely without you," He defends with a pout that makes Louis' heart skip a beat. Louis just smiles and rolls his eyes, handing Harry his cup of tea before sitting on the other side of Ozzy.

"You're a pain in the arse, you know that, mate?" Louis mutters to the dog.

"Language," Harry chastises, putting a hand on his stomach.

"Sorry," Louis smiles, taking a sip of his own tea. Harry rolls his eyes with a fond smile, taking his hand off his stomach so he can scratch behind Ozzy's ear. "Don't know why he suddenly loves you more than me. I'm the one who feeds him."

"I'm a likable person," Harry shrugs with a teasing smile. It's only a few seconds over that he hisses in pain, and both Ozzy and Louis look at him immediately. "Alright, I guess she's awake."

"Good morning, Beverly Rue," Louis says around his mug, smiling to himself. Harry giggles, and Ozzy sniffs around his belly before nudging it with his nose a bit. Louis raises his eyebrows. "Gentle, mate," He reminds.

"He knows," Harry assures with a huge smile. Louis sneakily takes his phone off the nightstand and snaps a picture of Harry and Ozzy. Harry hates when he does that, takes candids of him, but they always get the most likes, because everyone loves Harry.

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