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Louis is woken up at exactly 3:27 AM to his phone ringing from the bedside table. Ozzy raises his head from where he's sleeping on the floor next to the bed, nudging Louis' hand where it's dangling.

Louis raises his head as well, looking at his phone to see Harry calling him. A pregnant person calling very early in the morning, that absolutely cannot be good. Louis quickly picks his mobile up and answers with a groggy "hello?"

"Hi, Lou," Harry's voice sounds thick, like he's crying. "Um, it really hurts. My stomach does. I think I'm going to drive myself to the hospital, just letting you know."

No, no, no. "Harry, no, it's okay, I-I'll come get you," Louis assures, stumbling out of bed and walking towards his closet to slip some shoes on. "Just breathe, love, it's okay."

"'M really scared, Lou. I-I don't know what's going on, she's kicking really hard, though."

"That's good," Louis assures, giving Ozzy a quick scratch behind the ears before rushing out of his bedroom and to the kitchen to find his keys. "I'll be there for you in just a bit, babe, okay? Breathe, H, I'm sure you and Bev are just fine."

Louis is out the door within minutes, staying on the phone with Harry as he goes just a bit over the speed limit (don't tell his mum). Harry sounds genuinely terrified, and Louis can feel his chest tighten every time he can hear Harry let out a whimper.

"I'm turning into your street, bub, is it okay if I hang up?" Louis asks sweetly.

"O-Okay. You can let yourself in."

"Okay, then, I'll see you in a mo."

Louis hangs up just as he's pulling into Harry's driveway. He speed-walks to the door, seeing Harry's unlocked it for him. He steps into the house, immediately hearing Harry shuffling around in the lounge.

"Hey, love," Louis greets softly, seeing Harry clutching onto a throw pillow on his sofa. Harry sniffles and smiles at Louis meekly, whole body practically trembling. "Feel any better?"

"No," Harry sniffles again. "I-I don't want anything to happen to Bev, Louis, I-"

"Okay, okay," Louis soothes, popping a squat in front of where Harry is sitting. "You could just be having Braxton Hicks, love."

"W-What's that?" Harry sniffles, wiping his eyes.

"It's like, practice contractions," Louis explains, bringing his hand up to Harry's belly and rubbing it in soothing circles. "Getting your body ready for labour. My Mum had them all the time."

"But labour's so far away," Harry says confusedly, tears still running down his cheeks. Louis smiles sympathetically.

"Only four months away, H," He reminds delicately, and Harry's eyes widen. He starts to cry harder. Louis' startled by the reaction, quick to get up and sit next to Harry on the couch.

"No, no, no, babe," Louis soothes, letting Harry lean into him. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. Don't cry."

"'M not ready to be a parent, Louis," Harry weeps into Louis' shoulder, making Louis frown. "W-What're we gonna do? She's coming so soon, oh my God."

"Breathe," Louis reminds. "You're going to be a wonderful parent, Harry. I promise. You've been taking such good care of her for the past, what, five and a half months? She adores you already, I bet."

"You think so?" Harry sniffles, looking up at Louis through his long, wet eyelashes. Louis smiles, endeared.

"Of course," He replies. "Now, let me get you some water, yeah? It'll help with the pain."

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