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"H-How come she's bald?" Doris asks as she peers down at Beverly. Louis snorts while Harry just giggles. Jay shakes her head with a smile.

"She's going to grow hair as she gets older, baby," Jay says, running her fingers through Doris' hair. Harry looks up at Louis with a smile, Beverly cradled in his arms. Louis has never been so in love in his life, holy shit.

"She's got tiny toes," Ernest observes, reaching out and touching them gently. Louis sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls Ernest into his lap, making Ernest squeal.

"She does have tiny toes," Louis mumbles into Ernie's hair, watching as Doris slowly reaches forward and runs her fingers over the soft blanket Beverly wrapped up in. "I think you're going to be the coolest uncle ever, mate."

"What about me?" Doris huffs.

"Coolest aunt," Louis decides with a nod. "Don't tell the rest of the girls I said that, though." Doris giggles while Harry grins at Louis.

"Can Bebe Lee colour with me, Achoo?" Doris asks. Beverly hiccups, and Harry gasps and brushes her cheek with his knuckles.

"Excuse you, monkey," He coos softly. Louis is so mesmerised by how adorable he is, he almost forgets to answer Doris' question.

"Not yet, D," Louis answers, his arm still wrapped around Ernest. "She's too little. When she's older I'm sure she'd love to colour with you."

"I-I colour wi' you, Dory," Ernest assures, and Doris smiles.

"I think it's time for us to head home, babes," Jay mentions, but her eyes won't leave her new grandchild. "It's getting late, and you two have school tomorrow."

"No, Mumma!" Ernest huffs. "Wanna stay with Bebe Lee and 'Arry!"

"Hey, remember me?" Louis asks. "The forgotten one?"

"What's your name again?" Harry asks. Louis sticks his tongue out at him. Jay smiles and shakes her head before scooping Doris up off the bed, making her whine.

"C'mon, monster," Jay says, and Doris pouts. "Say bye-bye to the baby."

"Buh-byeeee," Doris says while Ernest climbs off the bed.

"Byeee babyyyy," Ernest says, holding Jay's hand when she reaches down for his. "Bye Achoo, Bye 'Arry."

"Goodbye, mate," Louis says, and Harry waves. Jay leans down and kisses the top of Louis' head.

"Call me if you two need anything," She says. Louis grins and leans his head back to look at her.

"We will," He assures. Jay gives Harry a smile before taking the twins out of the room, leaving Harry and Louis alone with the baby for the first time. Louis moves so he's sitting right next to Harry, grinning down at Beverly.

"Hi, pretty girl," He coos, resting his hand on her tummy. "You had a lot of company today, huh? Everybody wanted to visit you."

"But tomorrow you get to go home," Harry says while Louis pats her tummy. "And see the room Daddy painted for you. 'S not the right colour, but it looks nice anyways."

"Do we have to bring this up again?" Louis groans, resting his forehead on Harry's shoulder and sighing. Harry giggles, kissing the top of Louis' head.

"I'm just teasing you," Harry assures. "You wanna hold her for a bit? Papa's ready for a nap."

"Of course," Louis sits up straight, a huge smile on his face. Harry gently passes Beverly over to Louis before laying down into his pillow, sighing sleepily. "Hi, princess, are you sleepy? You should take a nap while Papa takes a nap, yeah?"

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