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"You sure you can handle it?"

"You're a proper pain in my bum, you know that?" Louis huffs out, picking up the screwdriver from next to him. "Yes, I can handle it."

"Okay, I believe you," Harry smiles as Louis screws the bottom of the cot on upside down. He's sitting in the rocking chair his mum had got for the nursery the week before, and Beverly will not take a rest. She's been going at it all morning, he can barley catch a break. She sends one really hard kick or punch or something, and Harry hisses in pain. "Oi, babes, give me a break."

"You okay?" Louis asks, raising an eyebrow. Harry sighs and nods, waving Louis off. The worried expression on Louis' face doesn't go away.

"She has not stopped moving all morning," Harry explains with a pout. He usually loves her movements, gets excited when he can feel their girl's little feet and hands, but right now he could really use a break. Louis still looks worried, so Harry changes the subject. "Let me do something, I feel useless just sitting here."

"You being here and looking pretty is enough for me," Louis says, smile fond as he continues to screw the upside down bar onto the cot. "Don't want you straining yourself, pumpkin. 'M doing swimmingly."

Louis finishes screwing the bar, scooting back from it before his face falls. "Were you planning on telling me I was screwing it wrong?" He huffs exasperatedly. Harry can't help it–he throws his head back and lets out a loud belly laugh.

"You told me you could handle it!" He points out with a teasing grin. Louis puts his hands over his face as Harry doubles over with laughter.

"Is that enough for you to let me help?" Harry asks with a cheeky grin, face pink from laughing so hard. Louis rolls his eyes, but he nods, and Harry smiles triumphantly.

"I really don't want you doing anything that could put too much strain on you, Haz," Louis says warily, helping Harry out of the rocking chair and giving him a weak smile. "I know you don't like me coddling you, but I need you to take care of yourself."

Harry's face softens at Louis' sudden seriousness. He leans forward and presses his lips to Louis' sweetly, and he can feel Louis' hands automatically gravitate towards his hips.

They separate, and Harry gives Louis a smile. "I'll be okay, Lou, really," He assures. "I'll just fold Bev's clothes and put them in the dresser, okay?"

Louis leans forward and kisses the tip of Harry's nose. "Sounds good, Hazza. Now, let me see if I can fix this goddamn cot."

"Language," Harry reminds in a singsong voice. Louis just kisses him again.

"Are you okay?"

Harry is not okay. Beverly won't stop kicking, and everything hurts, and he just wishes he wasn't pregnant anymore. He feels so horrible for even thinking that.

"I'm fine," They're laying on the sofa watching Shameless, Harry laying in between Louis' legs with his back against Louis' torso. Someone yells a few profanities at someone else, and Harry gasps. "I don't think Bev likes this."

"She can't see it."

"She can hear it."

Louis sighs slowly, but he lifts his remote and turns Shameless off. "Fine, what would you like to watch?"

Harry's about to answer, but Beverly kicks hard near his ribs. Harry sits up. He lets out an "Ah!" that makes Louis tense up.

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