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just here to remind u all trigger warnings are in the tags uwu

Louis is sleeping on the couch.

Harry didn't, like, ask him to. He just figured he should. That's what couples do when they're mad at each other, right? One of them sleeps on the couch. And Harry needs to be close to Beverly, since he needs to feed her, so. That leaves Louis to lay on the sofa and watch Notting Hill on the telly.

He has his head on a very uncomfortable throw pillow, a thin decorative blanket draped over him. This is the sort of time where he'd call his mum for advice, but it's one in the morning, so he doubts this would be a good time to.

Louis sighs and puts his hand on his forehead. After a few moments, he hears a loud beeping coming from upstairs. Holy fuck, what is that?

Beverly. Her machine.

Louis doesn't think he's ever gotten up faster in his life. He stumbles up the stairs as fast as his legs will take him, bursting into the bedroom and scooping Beverly up. As soon as he does he can hear her take in a breath, starting to wail right after.

"I know, I know," Louis soothes, voice trembling as he bounces Beverly a bit. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry."

Harry's eyes blink open. He squints up at Louis. "Her machine went off," Louis explains, gently putting his hand on Beverly's back.

Harry springs up. "What?"

"She's okay," Louis says softly, kissing the top of Beverly's head. "I-I can take her out of here for a bit so you can sleep."

Harry looks angry. He nods though, laying back down, and Louis twists his mouth before carrying Beverly out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Walking downstairs, he kisses the top of Beverly's head again. "You scared me there, Bev," He sighs, walking into the kitchen and flicking the light on. "You're okay, though, right, monkey?"

Louis shifts Beverly so he's cradling her instead of holding her against his chest. He brings her close to his face and blows a raspberry into her tummy, and she squeaks.

"Can't believe how big you're getting, pretty girl," Louis coos, rocking her gently. "You've got to keep growing so your lungs get big and strong!"

Beverly looks up at Louis like he's her whole world. Louis can't believe she's his. She's so beautiful, this gorgeous, fragile little thing that needs him and Harry. That's sick. And, also, a little terrifying.

The stairs creak as Harry walks down, shuffling into the kitchen with sleepy eyes. His curls are a mess. He looks godly, Louis thinks.

"'S she okay?" Harry asks, voice quiet and thick with sleep. Louis nods as Beverly hiccups.

"She's fine," He assures softly. "Just gave Daddy a good scare, huh, Bev?"

Harry leans onto the kitchen island, looking down at it. "You shouldn't have said what you did," He says, and it's obvious how hurt he is. Louis swallows thickly, looking down at Beverly.

"I know," He nods. Harry bites his bottom lip. "I...I didn't mean it. It was just in the heat of the moment."

Harry looks up at him with big, shiny eyes. "It hurt my feelings," His bottom lip is trembling. Louis' eyes soften.

"I know it did," He says quietly. He goes to put Beverly in her little baby swing that Anne has got them, strapping her into it before standing across from Harry. "That was a shitty thing to say. I didn't mean it."

Harry looks down again, running his hand through his hair. "You know I would never say something like that normally," Louis continues softly. "I was angry. I shouldn't have been, but I was, and I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry."

Harry doesn't say anything. Louis frowns. "Harry..."

"I-I think I'm going to take her back upstairs," Harry moves to go get Beverly. Louis furrows his eyebrows and steps in front of him.

"Haz, why are you acting like this?" Louis asks. Harry's eyes are glossy. "Can't we talk about this? Please? I don't want to go back to bed like this."

"Louis, I just want to go to bed," Harry says, practically whispering. Louis puts his hands over his head and huffs.

"Why can't we just resolve this?" Louis asks. He raises his hand exasperatedly, and Harry flinches. He steps back, shielding his face with his arms. Louis' whole heart sinks to his stomach as he slowly lowers his arm.

"Harry..." Louis says slowly. Harry just blinks up at him. "Did...did you think I was going to...?"

Harry just looks at Louis for a few seconds before he bursts into tears. Louis' eyes widen, startled. Harry slowly sinks down to the kitchen floor, and Louis is not far behind, kneeling in front of him.

"Baby, baby," Louis soothes as Harry cries, bringing Harry into his arms. "Oh, sweet boy, I'm so sorry. Don't cry, please don't cry."

Harry clings onto Louis, gripping onto his t-shirt and sobbing. Louis kisses the top of his head, rubbing his back. "Love..."

"There was a time..." Harry sniffles, clearly trying so hard to pull himself together. Louis waits patiently for him, wiping Harry's tears. "That I had a boyfriend who would say things like that to me. Everyday. And he meant them. And he would hit me."

Louis freezes to take that all in. No, no, no. That can't be true. He really doesn't want that to be true. Jesus, his poor boy.

"Harry," Louis breathes.

"I'm sorry," Harry whimpers, burying his face into Louis' chest. "That you have to deal with me being like this," He sniffles. "That I can't just handle conflict like a normal person, and instead I just shut myself away."

"No, no," Louis' grip on Harry tightens. "Do not apologise for that. It's not your fault, nothing he did to you was ever your fault, okay? You didn't deserve that, Hazza, I'm so sorry."

"He told me it was my fault," Harry weeps. "And that I was worthless, and the only reason he was with me is because he felt sorry for me."

"I'm with you because I'm in love with you," Louis says quietly. Harry bites his lip to stop it from trembling. "My perfect boy. I love you more than anyone in this world. The day I came home from the states and you opened that door, I knew I was whipped for you." Harry can't help but smile tearfully. "Please never, ever think that I'm with you for any reason other than the fact that you and our girl are my entire world."

"I love you," Harry cries. Louis strokes his hair and kisses his forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Louis mumbles into Harry's hair. "I'm so sorry, baby, I love you so much. Please don't cry. Let me take you and Bev back to bed, okay?"

Harry sniffles and nods, letting Louis help him stand up. Louis lifts Beverly up out of the swing and holds her, the baby seemingly half-asleep. He holds his hand out to Harry, who takes it sheepishly, and he brings his babies to bed.

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