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Louis and Harry can't keep their hands off each other.

They were touchy before, yeah, but now it's constant. They have sleepovers more often than not, with Louis falling asleep spooning Harry. Louis brings Harry lunch all the time, and all of Harry's students love him.

Louis is sitting across from him at some ice cream place, their legs entwined under the table and Harry's left hand holding Louis' right. They're there because Louis needed a coverup as to why they had to leave the house, actually, because the baby shower is today, and he figured since Harry was craving ice cream anyways it wouldn't be a bad idea.

"She's not behaving very well today," Harry huffs, dropping his spoon and narrowing his eyes down at his belly. Louis' trying not to smile, because he knows the baby is probably making Harry uncomfortable, but he's too goddamn endearing.

"What's the matter?" Louis asks, giving Harry's hand a squeeze.

"She's kicking me right in my ribs," Harry mumbles, pouting before picking his spoon up again and starting to eat. Louis can only guess she kicks again, because Harry frowns and looks down to his tummy again. "That's not very polite, Beverly Rue."

"She just wants some attention," Louis defends, smiling innocently when Harry shoots him a glare.

"She's not bruising your ribs, now is she?" He argues, and Louis sighs as Harry takes another bite of his ice cream.

"Suppose you got me there, babe," Louis shrugs in defeat, and Harry smiles smugly.

Harry is genuinely oblivious as to what's happening up until the moment Louis tells him it's a baby shower.

They hold it at this pretty nice restaurant with a large room in the back for parties. Harry's ultimately confused, but Louis just ignores his string of questions as he leads him into the restaurant and towards the back.

Everyone yells surprise when Harry comes in, and there's a video camera taping him, and his cheeks feel warm as he looks around the room. His family and some of his friends are there, and so are some people he's never seen before.

"W-What's going on?" Harry breathes, Louis' hand on the small of his back.

"'S a baby shower, love," Louis giggles, and Harry's face seems to relax at the sound. "For you. Me and some of the girls down at Buzzfeed planned it. Surprise?"

Harry's confused expression slowly melts into a grin, dimples deep as he turns to Louis and hugs him. By now some of the guests have gone back to the conversations they had been having before Harry came, and Harry's burying his rosy face into the crook of Louis' neck.

"Thank you, Lou," Harry mumbles into Louis' warm skin. Louis kisses the top of Harry's head, and when he glances to the right he sees his mother and sister both raising their eyebrows at him amusedly. Louis rolls his eyes and gives them a look before Harry stands up straight and separates from him.

"Do you...do you think you'd be okay meeting my Mum and my sisters?" Louis asks, grabbing onto Harry's hand and squeezing it. "You don't have to right now, if you don't want to, but they're here and I think they're expecting me to introduce you."

Harry's eyes widen slightly, but he gives Louis a small smile. "Um, yeah, I'm cool with that," He nods, and Louis smiles back at him, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead. Harry's cheeks turn pink again, and his grin becomes bigger.

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