Title of the Story: Vampire Love
Link of the Story: http://www.wattpad.com/26106481-vampire-love-chapter-1 [external link available]
Profile link of the author: http://www.wattpad.com/user/amygurliamamy
OMG. I don't know if you'll accept my apology for posting this... late, but still I'm saying sorry.
I guess it's better late than never? XD
So here's my review.
The story is interesting, though it is a bit cliche. However, the story line is too fast-paced, yet each chapter is too short. The first chapter should've said how Kharis became a vampire ( aflashback may be a good start), and so on, so I think fusing the first and second chapters is better.
I also noticed some typo and grammar errors. Well, it's just usual. Just be mindful of them and everything will be okay. I advise you to write your stories in MS Word first, so that it will check spellings and the like for you. Well, it's a suggestion but it's up to you.
By the way, how did you come up with the names of the characters? I certainly love it. It has the aura of vampires. Thumbs up! :)
My review is short but these are all I want to say. Just keep on writing as you like, and you'll go a long way. Good job and keep up the good work! :D
P.S. If I may ask, is Zero here the Zero from the Vampire Knight? :D Woah. I love him. Haha.
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