Hope in the Darkness

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Tirle of the Story: Hope in the Darkness

Link of the Story: http://www.wattpad.com/40851204-hope-in-the-darkness  [external link available]

Profile link of the author: www.wattpad.com/user/Miraclegurl


Sorry for the long wait, too :)

Whoa. Your story is a mixture of angst, sweetness, depression... What can I say? It really piqued my interest! Every end of chapter can make me want to know what would happen next! The way you cliffhangs your readers is commendable, that's why I really wondered why you haven't received any votes for this! (At least, before I read it) :D

And the characters. I'm really glad that her love interest is not your typical popular guy in school, else it would be too cliche. And the mystery behind each one was something that a reader would want to know. That was a big catch, and an advantage.

I noticed a few misspelled words, some were lacking punctuation marks, but you can easily reread it and check them all. However that part in Chapter one with "whisper scream"? Isn't it contradicting, to whisper and scream? xD You could've just said, "she cringed in pain as she bit her lip to suppress her scream" or something like that. You can be more creative in presenting your story with words like those. This way, your readers will feel the emotions that the characters have more.

Overall, This book can give any reader an awesome read. This would definitely receive a high grade from me. I'll share this to my friends so keep up the good work! :)



P.S. More advice: Your brief summary can be a good description of your story. :)

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