Chapter 2: Welcome Home!

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The night came when the moon appears, which made the blue sky clear as usual. Everyone was gathered around the campfire, eating their fried squid with rice balls and drinking a cup of herbal tea.

A few of them wanted to stand up instead of sitting down since they are more comfortable that way.

"Man... This is problematic," Shikamaru sighed tiredly and continued on. "But you know, I really think this has nothing to do with Naruto this time."

"Okay, then. If it's not me, who is it and what do they want?" The blonde-haired ninja asked in irritation.

"All we know is that they are probably after someone who hurt them badly," Shikamaru answered.

"Of course, revenge is always the solution to one's problem," Kiba snorted sarcastically as he shook his head in the thought of his previous enemies.

"Not all the time. There are some good people out there, you know," Tenten stated when she rested her right cheek upon her hand.

"Oh, please. You expect me to believe that? Sometimes, the world ain't sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes, it is," he scoffed.

"Seriously? How negative can you get? Pretty debatable, I must say," Tenten clenched her teeth, preventing herself from contending with him.

"If those enemies are meandering this whole island, then why would Sakura suddenly pass out of consciousness? Quite dubious, I assume," Neji thought skeptically.

"Do you think this has something to do with her?" Shino asked.

"There's no way that Sakura had done wrong to them. She's practically been with Lady Tsunade most of the times, working hard day and night," Lee argued.

"I think it's pretty bullshit if you ask me that question about Sakura. I've known her for almost all my life," Naruto pointed out fairly with his eyes narrowed at the others intently.

"Guys!! Quit bickering and let Shikamaru concentrate! We shouldn't be arguing or boasting on who's right about this situation that we're in," Choji yelled out in exasperation, much to their astonishment.

They all sat in silence for a moment until the leaf squad leader opened his eyes and raised up his head towards their direction. He began to spoke out quietly and steadily for them to listen closely.

"I have a plan and since one of our team members is down. There is only eight of us and we will track them before dawn. After all, I'm a strategist, so please follow along and this is the last straw that we will be taking," Shikamaru instructed as he pulled out the scroll and drew the figures on each different spots. "Now, two is an even number and each of us must attempt to confront them based on our abilities. Naruto and Kiba, you two will be the first ones to do the summoning. Neji and Hinata, you'll be all eye-sightseeing the place. Tenten and Lee, you'll be using your ninjutsu. And finally, Shino and I will be waiting to trap them with his bugs and my shadow. That is all, whereas Ino and Choji will be on the ship, ensuring Sakura's safety."

"If this fails, then what's next?" Naruto asked blankly.

"We are just going to retreat quickly if that occurs," Shikamaru answered logically. "That way, we know how they're capable of fighting and the way they act."

"I see your point," Neji said in agreement.

"Yeah. Any suggestions before we pack our stuff?" The leader asked as he waited for them to raise their hands until he saw one up in the air. "Tenten?"

"Just how are we going to attack them? Can I use my platinum twin dragon scrolls and my other huge sharp blades while on the move?" She asked, doubting about herself.

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