Chapter 12: The Confrontation of Inner Sakura

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Back in the streets of the sand village, many people had passed out since they've been there for 24 hours. The councilors and the rest of the shinobi were attempting to break down the huge barrier with the machines that they've made by smashing it with a gigantic stone of a hammer. Though, it was futile.

"Ahh...! sir, this is hopeless," one of the jounin said, panting out of breath tiredly.

"Tsch. Just keep trying and quit whining, alright? People have been stuck there for too long, so I suggest that all of you need to keep pushing the hammer with every bit of chakra you have. But for some of you, you should use one of your specific techniques that I've asked you to do. No matter how much capacity there is, at least it will do good for the sake of others," Baki explained clearly and strictly as he placed his hands on hips.

"Hmmm," they all agreed in unison.

"Good. Now, get back to work and get rid of this damn thing. It's been such a nuisance lately," Baki commanded as they followed his orders quickly before the rush hour begin.

Concurrently, Kankuro and Temari decided to go through the holes of the empty pit using their own weapons to land safely on the ground. As they had reached the bottom, they squint their eyes slightly from the brightest light of the sphere that was stimulating the pink-haired kunoichi profoundly.

"Oh my... The power... It's so strong," Temari muttered nervously.

"Yeah... It is," Kankuro agreed as they both continued to watch Naruto, Shikamaru and the others utilizing the energies together.

All of a sudden, the rainbow sphere had burst out a light in just a few seconds until it had emanated through Sakura's entire body, much to everyone's astonishment.

They covered their eyes with the back of their hands and slowly removed them to see what was happening.

"Sa...Sakura...?" Naruto asked suspiciously with his eyes narrowed at the sight of his best friend.

She has her head down and arms laid out on the ground while she was motioning them down towards her slowly. Then, she opened her bright green eyes in conviction, which had the others know that she has been rejuvenated.

Meanwhile, Gaara was still dodging her attacks while he was standing on the same spot as usual without having a single flinch. His sand was shooting tiny sharp bullets out of the gourd and from the ground. He remains calm when it comes to her attacking him with her other techniques.

However, she stops for a moment and sighed tiredly. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?"

"I could ask you the same question. Until then, you will wish you were not even half alive," the red-haired Kazekage remarked monotonously.

"Hmm. That's too bad, isn't it? Maybe I should probably bring forth the weapon. Don't worry, it's only the beginning for me to start terminating you," dark Sakura chuckled lightly.

"Go ahead," Gaara said sarcastically in a soft tone of his voice with his arms crossed.

With her two fingers held up in front of her mouth, she began to use one of her ninjutsu skills. It is known as, Dragon's Spew of Fire.

"Now, deliver..." the pink-haired Akatsuki whispered quietly.

The purple dragon with yellow eyes appeared in front of the center and breathes out the fire in their surroundings. This made a circular blockade around them that only arranges it to the limits.

"Remember, if you pass through it, you're out. I'm warning you, Gaara. Give up or get wiped out. Your choice," dark Sakura suggested.

"Neither," the red-haired Kazekage answered as he moves his sand and shapes a sharp weapon, then grabs it on his hand. "Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Shukaku's Spear!"

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