Chapter 4: Friendly Date

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The following two days came when Team 7 had been traveling across the empty desert, bringing extra water bottles around their waists and food with them. It was always important to all shinobi who are walking from a different land and to the other by foot. The sun was starting to boil heatedly in the area when one of them spoke out. 

"Man, I'm hungry and thirsty! It's best that we eat," Naruto suggested as he sat down on top of the big, flat-squared rock.

"I suppose it won't be a big deal, trying to have a lunch meal," Shikamaru panted his breath out.

"Yeah. I mean, we've been roaming for miles now," Sakura agreed.

"Okay," Shikamaru sighed as he dropped his bag down and sat on the sandy ground, whereas Sakura was pulling out the packed lunches and snacks from her bags near the distance from him.

"If you guys want Dorayaki, Ponsuke Arare crackers, Jagabee fries or Japanese sweet potato UHA chips, you can take one of these. They are really delicious, trust me," the pink-haired kunoichi said, holding the snacks in front of them one-by-one.

"Yooo!! Pass me the crackers, please!" Naruto exclaimed, hungrily looking at it. 

Suddenly, a loud boom crashed heavily as the ground started to crumble out. Beneath the sand reveals a huge purple monster, known as the Shard Scorpius, clinging its claws out, much to the others' astonishment. The screeching noise was made from the top of its lungs and saw three people standing by. The Scorpius' eyes gleamed brightly as it made its target towards them at a quick pace.

"Crap... Not this again," Shikamaru muttered lazily.

"You've encountered this before?" Sakura asked in surprise.

"Yes, I did. It's obviously a big pain in the ass," he scoffed shortly.

"Gee! Now, this is the moment for me to redeem all of my techniques! Alright!" Naruto pumped up his fist in the air.

"Hold on, Nau! We can't just jump right in to attack," the pink-haired kunoichi lectured in a hiss. 

"Yeah, And the more we underestimate it, the less time we get to defeat the monster," Shikamaru stated correctly. 

The Scorpius began to charge towards Sakura by crawling its legs forward and screeched louder. The pink-haired kunoichi pulled out her kunai knife as she defended herself, but Naruto summoned multiple shadow clones around him as they all started hovering the top of the monster's head. They were giving hardcore punches and kicks vigorously against the creature's body without even stopping. Although, it has no effect on it whatsoever when the Scorpius decided to grip the shadow clones with his sharp claw and squished them into pieces. But they end up puffing out of smoke. 

Naruto, on the other hand, was making his blue chakra ball with his other shadow clone and attacks the monster. "RASENGAN!!!" 

The Scorpius fell backward when it got some scratches around its body. Then, it stood up quickly and was preparing to create its own green saliva in its mouth, forming a huge drop of sticky gum. Its narrowed eyes were glinting wickedly and spit out the liquid landing towards Naruto, who quickly dodged out of the way.

"Acid...?!" The blonde-haired ninja questioned in shock.

"Yeah! We got to be careful, it will keep spitting out around for a few seconds," Shikamaru warned. 

"I see," Sakura said in understanding when she noticed that the Scorpius was heading towards their direction.

The monster jumped and started clawing its tentacles viciously. They all dodged its attacks, but then quickly scratched Sakura's legs, bleeding a few drops of blood onto the sandy ground. 

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