Chapter 13: Mission Complete!

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"It's hot out here... We need food and water. If we can't find one, we might as well just-" one of the citizen men whined helplessly and got interrupted.

"Oh, shut up! Don't be so pessimistic. We'll be fine, alright?" One of his friends said sighing tiredly.

In an instant, the walls of the barrier were dissolving into tiny little sparkle dust as it was slowly descending down beneath the sandy ground. Many people were watching it crumble in the process and they began to applaud cheerfully when they saw the rest of the shinobi looking down upon them from the roof of the buildings with pleasant smiles.

Everyone was all relieved as they were acknowledging them by clapping and praising. At the same time, Sakura, Naruto, and the crew noticed one of the Akatsuki members flying in the air in a huge white bird. It was none other than, Deidara himself.

"Shit... We've got to stop him... He's going to do something," Kankuro swore beside them.

"Don't worry. Gaara and his assistants are on their way. I have to take the people to the hospital. I got to go. Please, be careful," Sakura said reassuringly as she glanced at them and flashed out of sight.

"Good luck!!" They replied in unison.

"Okay. So lately, the leaders already investigated a lot about a bomb inside the Kazekage tower. Right now, we just have to do our part," Shikamaru stated.

"Hold on... He has a button on his hand. What do we do?" Naruto asked, narrowing his eyes intently at the enemy above them.

"We wing it," Shikamaru ordered quietly.

"Let's go!!" Kankuro said as they all nodded in agreement and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

They were running and hopping on different surfaces of the roofs, whereas Naruto began to use his Shadow Clone jutsu and form the blue chakra into a huge sphere.

Temari, on the other hand, uses one of her ninjutsu techniques to fly across the sky and catch up to their opponent.

"Ah... Nice to see your faces. I can't wait to erupt them like balloons. Now, that is art, yeah," Deidara smirked sadistically as he started to create a few bombs of clays and throw them around.

"Not so fast!! Ahh! Wind Scythe Jutsu!" The ponytail-haired kunoichi exclaimed firmly as she fanned the wind, using the amount of strength that causes the white bird to sink a little down further.

"Rasengan!!!" Naruto yelled out angrily when he strikes him with the power he was holding onto.

"Aargh!! Bastards!" Deidara said, grunting in pain after receiving a few injuries on his left leg. However, he managed to raise up his two fingers to detonate the bombs. "Explode!!!"

Suddenly, explosions were made near the buildings as the sand bricks were falling down into the ground. But then, huge sand was scattered around the top of the citizens' heads as a one of his Ultimate Defense.

Naruto, Kankuro, and Temari were glancing around to see where the red-haired Kazekage was. They smiled when he was riding on the sand to face his enemy once again.

"Gaara!!" The blonde-haired ninja called out with a wave.

"Damn... This is Deja-Vu," Temari noted, shaking her head in surprise.

"What'd you know?" Kankuro said smirking proudly at the presence of his younger brother.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the One-Tailed Beast is completely alive and ready to die for the second time," Deidara said chuckling wickedly with an evil smirk.

"I wouldn't be certain of that..." Gaara remarked calmly.

Immediately, the Akatsuki member stood frozen on his spot and looked down upon his feet as he noticed that a shadow was controlling his entire body.

"What the hell?!" Deidara cursed out loud in irritation.

"Hmm. Bingo. Looks like your plan really flopped hard," Shikamaru smirked as he held his hands together, then let them go. He initiated the enemy's arm to drop the detonator off into a distance as the blonde-haired ninja carefully catches it with both hands.

"I got it!!!" Naruto informed, grinning widely.

"Your time is up," Gaara said to their opponent as his sand was enveloping his entire figure and performed one of his techniques with a gesture. "Sand Coffin!!!"

"Ahh!!" Deidara screamed when his body had crushed into many pieces.

Unfortunately, the red-haired Kazekage's eyes widened in shock when he realizes that it's all a substitution replacement.

"They're all made of white clay," Temari said in frustration.

"Damn it... Are you serious?!!" Kankuro questioned in confusion.

"Hmm. You won't find me no more," Deidara said behind them when he started to fly away on top of the white bird as a way to escape out of the sand village. He passes through the clouds and was never seen again.

Everyone else was watching intrusively at the Akatsuki depart as quickly as possible without letting himself get caught by the hands of the other shinobi.

"Ugh... You almost had him," Naruto said clenching his fists tightly in anger.

"No, it's alright... No need to worry about him. We are all safe now. He won't harm us. It's over," Gaara concluded as he closed his eyes for a moment to levitate down on the rooftop.

"Yeah, he's right. We can't go chasing after him. There's no time to make another plan for that," Shikamaru noted logically.

"Agreed," Kankuro said as he places his arms behind his head and sighed.

"What's next?" Temari asked curiously.

"Hmm... No idea. For now, let's head to the hospital and inform Sakura," Shikamaru said with a smile.

"Yup. She must be worried about us, you know," Kankuro noted.

"Let's go!" Naruto encouraged and started to jump down onto the streets while the others were following behind him.

One thing that they know is that there are no hidden threats or attacks going towards them since they are finally now at peace. 

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