Chapter 5: Hidden Keys

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The next morning came when Sakura and the rest of the group were giving medical assistance to the citizens and shinobi. She goes to different spots one at a time to cure the sickness and extract the poison out of their bodies. 

"I'm here to express my gratitude for your hard work, Miss Haruno," a 40-year old mother said tearfully in joy. "You saved me and my son."

"Thank you so much," the brown-eyed boy beamed cheerily at her.

"Haha. You're very welcome. It's my duty to make sure that everyone is in good health," the pink-haired kunoichi reminded gently. 

"Hm. You really are one of Lady Tsunade's wonderful apprentice. You both have phenomenal healing skills," the young man said smiling in giddiness, much to most people's agreement. 

"Yeah! You are the best!" One of the young men called out when everyone in the room started clapping in applause.

Sakura laughed nervously and swatted her hand slyly, saying. "Hehe. Thanks, guys. I appreciate that." 

"It seems that the medical kunoichi is diligent and busy these several hours," a familiar voice said smirking coolly. 

"Kankuro. You're here. Aren't you supposed to go on rounds with Temari?" The pink-haired kunoichi asked curiously. 

"Well, I am. I'm just taking a 15-minute break. It's tiring to always check the air conditioning vent, gas pipes, doors, and glass windows to be completely shut closed. Of course, the outside is under the investigation of how the poisonous gas started," Kankuro explained thoughtfully with his fist holding up his chin. 

"I see... After this, I can go with you guys," Sakura said.

"Unfortunately, you can't. As much as we want to, Kazekage Gaara has assigned you to a different task with Naruto. Since he is not available to go with you guys, he expects you two to find evidence," the purple-faced ninja pursed his lips firmly.

"Alright. No problem," Sakura closed her eyes with a smile that almost faltered.

"Great!! Now, I'm going to go and informed him about this. Thanks, pinky," Kankuro said as he gave her a small pat on the shoulder. He turned around and told the others that he will be back to see the results later. He slid the door and closed it behind him, leaving Sakura in her own thoughts.

"I don't understand..." the pink-haired kunoichi frowned in mind.

"Miss Haruno, we already completed the third step of the lung transplant procedure," one of the medical nurses informed her formally while holding onto the check board list. "Shall we move it now?"

"Yes. Prepare the surgical instruments and activate the CT-scanners, STAT," the pink-haired kunoichi instructed softly as she head towards the three patients at the back of the room along with the nurse behind her.

Inside one of the tunnels, Temari has been checking the pipes using her own flashlight and one of the miners stopped by to ask her.

"Hey, ma'am. Is there anything that you need help with?" He looked at her blankly.

"Hmm. Yeah, I'm good. I'm trying to ensure that none of the toxic gas infiltrates through this tunnel and the rest," Temari answered as she began to look at him and question. "By the way, do you and your co-workers have any idea how it started transmitting our village?"

"No. Sorry. But there is someone that we saw the moment before this dilemma began," the miner said thoughtfully.

"Okay, go on," Temari urged him to explain.

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