Chapter 11: The Other Half

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On the contrary, Deidara was quickly chewing up all the clays into several pieces of bombs and performed a few of his techniques called the explosive land mines and minions. He quickly laid his hands out while he was riding his white bird.

The pink-haired kunoichi, on the other hand, made the hand signs to use one of the white-blossom Crane's powers, forming a delicate sharp instrument that slowly creates so much golden dust. The weapon is known as, the Dancing Moon of the Spear, that contains windpipes, creating air whirlwinds in the shaft. She then grabbed it tightly above her head and intertwines it through her fingers as she began to fling it towards the blonde-haired Akatsuki.

Gaara also made his move when his sand was gathering other solid particles around the different surfaces of the cave and hurtled to wrapped Deidara's right hand and leg. He closed his fist, yelling out his own jutsu. "Sand Coffin!"

However, the white bird creature deflected their attacks with its right wing. But then, the spear weapon had automatically reverse back to their direction, which pierced the lower limb of Deidara's arm, causing him to bleed externally with his blood dripping down onto his wrist. Although, he stared at them sadistically with a smirk on his face as he raised his two fingers up in the center line of his mouth, initiating to detonate the bombs that were sprinting and hovering themselves towards Sakura's body. "Boom!"

All of a sudden, everything burst out in dark smokes, whereas the pink-haired kunoichi was covering herself and moves away as quickly as possible.

"Sakura!!" The Sand Siblings widened their eyes in shock after they had landed on the flat sandy surface safely.

The red-haired Kazekage, on the other hand, was glaring at the Deidara intently as he made his move again to try and reach to his body, using his Sand Coffin technique on him. Closing his fist in a firm grip had the Akatsuki cry out in pain of his sudden injury in his lower abdomen and shoulders.

Then, the white bird cawed out in a shrill as they began to flee away in escape by blasting the inner walls of the cave with his bomb and head up towards the skies, leaving the place turn into massive stones topping against one another.

"Damn... He really got away the second time. Bastard..." Kankuro swore quietly in spite.

"Yeah. He's an Akatsuki. What do you expect...? I know we all wanted to defeat one. But again, they're strong," Temari noted and panted tiredly out of breath.

"Sakura. Where is she?" The purple-faced ninja asked as they were both frantically searching for the remainings on the ground.

"Don't worry, her friends are on their way to help her," the red-haired Kazekage said as he approached beside them and looked down together in concern.

In the meantime, the white-blossom Crane was carrying Sakura with its wings around her as they both plopped down through the holes of the sand surface. They end up in the bottom empty pit while the pink-haired kunoichi squinted her eyes away from the dirt of the soil that stains on her clothes.

She sat properly and looked at the beautiful creature as she petted her gently, saying. "Thank you... I owe you my entire life."

The white-blossom Crane curled its lips into a warm smile and nodded as an answer.

"Hehe... You can go now. I'll take care of the rest," the pink-haired kunoichi instructed softly and let go of the creature from her hand when it started to fly above her and disappeared in a sparkling light. The magical golden dust was fading and returned back to the pendant that Serrulata had given her on her hand. She tries to put it in her pocket until she felt a sharp pain stabbing on her lower back of the spine and right abdomen. She was clutching onto herself mildly until she heard two voices calling her out in the tunnel ways.

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