Chapter 15: Gaara and Katsumi

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It was one hour left before Sakura heads out of the rented apartment room that she was still in. After taking a shower, she opens the door while wearing a light pink bathrobe with little cherry blossom flowers on the bottom of her right side. She unwrapped the towel from her head and began to hair blow dry her hair, using her fingers.

A few minutes later, she started to wear the same outfit that she has. But this time, her body has grown a little bit maturely as she already noticed earlier. She then folded her ninja headband on the forefront.

"Okay... I'm ready," she said with an enthusiastic smile.

"You better not do anything clumsy," inner Sakura noted with a giggle.

"I won't. I know what I'm going to say," the pink-haired kunoichi pointed out confidently.

"Of course. We're the best. Cha!" She exclaimed out loud.

"You got that right," Sakura said smiling genuinely at herself as she looked up and down to see if she looks fine.

All of a sudden, she started to hear a woman screaming for help, which caught her attention. She quickly slammed the door behind her to find where she was.

During that time, Naruto and Shikamaru were standing outside the hallway while they were waiting for their friends to arrive in.

"Ah. I really enjoyed this kind of occasion, don't you think? People can spend their evening with their loved ones," the leaf jounin leader said sighing in amazement.

"I agree. We should do this more often once we are not too busy with our schedules," the blonde-haired ninja suggested thoughtfully and continued on with a smirk. "So... Are you and Temari dating?"

Shikamaru's eyes widened in shock and prevent himself from blushing in embarrassment. "You wish... No. We are not. We happen to be working together, just because it was only Lady Tsunade and Gaara's orders."

"But you like her," Naruto pointed out with a wide grin.

"As a friend," Shikamaru rolled his eyes at him annoyingly.

"Alrighty, if you say so," the blonde-haired ninja said chuckling.

"Besides, that girl is going to be the death of me," the leaf jounin leader stated lazily.

"You got that right," a familiar voice called out behind them.

Both of them turned around to see who it was.

"Temari," Shikamaru muttered in astonishment and asks nervously. "H-how long have you've been there?"

The ponytail-haired kunoichi snorted and shook her head, saying. "Just now. Anyway, Kankuro is already inside the room, so we should go and find our section."

"Yeah, I'm starving. Do they have ramen in the menu?" Naruto asked eagerly.

"Ugh. You really need to cut that down. It's not always good for your health, you know," Shikamaru noted with an exasperated sigh.

"Hehe. There is, but I suggest that you should try out other meals that they serve here. They are so delicious. Come on, let's go," Temari said smiling.

"Wait. What about Sakura and Gaara?" Naruto questioned curiously.

"They're both going to be on their way. No need to worry," the ponytail-haired kunoichi replied reassuringly as the three began to approach in front of the receptionist desk to sign in. Then, they head inside the room.

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