Chapter 3: New Mission

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"Remember when you were releasing your green chakra to a full extent? It somehow affected your ability to perform one of your healing technique, which leads you to collapse," Tsunade explained firmly.

"So, then? What?" The pink-haired kunoichi urged her to go on talking.

The fifth Hokage looked at her directly and said carefully. "Sakura, it appears that all of your powers are... no longer exist."

The pink-haired kunoichi' some eyes widened in a trauma and began to glisten nervously at her words. She breathes out with a gasp of astonishment and stuttered. "Ho-how... it can't be?! No... It's not... It's not possible!!!" She bowed her head down as her tears started to fall down on the white sheet of the blanket was clutching on tightly.

"I'm sorry... But the good news is that you still have an amount of chakra left within you," Tsunade reminded gently.

"When... When will they return, granny?" Naruto asked concernedly and continued on to rant. "Because it's not fair that she would lose them all and all of her hard work is for nothing! I mean, don't you think it's a little too much for her to handle-"

"Hey, calm down!" Shikamaru scolded him with a slight punch on his shoulder.

"Look, I know this may be frightening to you, but we do not know when your powers will return. As long as you have your physical strength back, then there is nothing for you to worry about, alright?" The fifth Hokage noted with a war, smile and walked up to the door, saying. "I have to go. I have an upcoming meeting in a few minutes. After that, I will be discussing a few things with you and the boys."

With that said, she closed the door and left quietly, whereas Shizune was preparing breakfast for Sakura.

"Here, you need to eat, so you could regenerate your energy," she said, bringing up the tray beside her.

"Thank you," the pink-haired kunoichi muttered with a curt nod as she started to chew a Veggie-Ham sandwich and drank water slowly.

"Wow. It's like you haven't eaten for months. I'm glad you're back," the blonde-haired ninja said chuckling and asked blankly. "So, are you feeling okay now?"

"Hmm. I'm fine," Sakura answered softly when she looked away from them. "I'm still shocked and..."

"Disappointed with the outcome? Yeah," Shikamaru guessed correctly and continued on. "Yesterday, it didn't turn out what we expected it to be. Although, we already saw it coming." 

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked curiously.

"I'll explain it to you about everything on the island," the jounin leader cleared his throat and sat on the stool while he was talking across from the bed. 

Naruto and Shizune, on the other hand, was listening intently at the details he was saying, much to Sakura's dismay.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya was finishing up a few drinks he ordered and stepped out of the bar building, saying cheerily. "Alrighty, see you again! Thanks for the good service!" He then glanced around with a smile and saw Kakashi leaning against the wall, reading one of the latest Make-Out tactics that he purchased. "Ah, good morning. What brings you here?"

The copy ninja closed the book with hand and answered. "Nothing. Just want to know how much you've been training with Naruto these past weeks. I haven't been with one of my students, except Sakura, Lee and the others."

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