Chapter 16: Kankuro and Temari's Predictions

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Before dawn, Team 7 were carrying the backpacks while they were standing outside the main entrance of the sand village, now that they are about to leave.

"Well, I guess this is where we usually separate our ways. We can still keep in touch," Shikamaru said smirking reassuringly.

"Man. This is sad because we're so far away from each other. We live in two different villages and we are still able to keep up with our friendships," Naruto said frowning.

"Don't worry. By the next time of winter season hit, the three of us will be the ones visiting you more there," Temari said smiling.

"Yeah. You better give us a big welcome," Kankuro smirked at them.

"Hm. More like surprises and presents because Christmas is in the next few months," Sakura giggled.

"Wow!! What are you going to get me? Mistletoe?" Naruto joked as he laughed when his best friend slapped him on the shoulder.

"You wish," the pink-haired kunoichi snorted ridiculously at his comment as she rolled her eyes at him.

"We will also bring you some giveaways and mostly for the children," Gaara said softly.

"Right. That's a good idea. What about celebrating parties around the streets or like hosting different kinds of booths?" Katsumi suggested in excitement.

"Sure. That will be an amazing idea. I'll inform Lady Tsunade about this since we agreed to this plan," Shikamaru noted at that.

The red-haired Kazekage gazed at Katsumi on his right side, saying with a genuine smile. "I'm impressed. You have a creative vision, I see."

"Hehe. Really?! Thanks, boo," Katsumi hugged him in a tight squeeze delightfully.

Sakura, on the other hand, stared at them blankly as she tries not to react about their affection towards each other. She only smiled at them and laughed along with Naruto and Shikamaru.

"Anyway, we'll be going now," the leaf jounin leader said with a curt nod.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things to catch up at home," the pink-haired kunoichi noted thoughtfully.

Kankuro and Temari looked at her worriedly with their eyes narrowed . They knew that something was not right with Sakura, but they decided not to discuss about it. Instead, they gave them a nod in understanding.

"Alright. Stay safe, you guys," the purple-faced ninja said smirking.

"Yeah. Be careful out there. You never know if there are monsters lurking around," the ponytail-haired kunoichi reminded gently.

The pink-haired kunoichi nodded and said softly. "Of course, we will."

"We can do it. No need to worry. We even managed to fight one of the black Scorpions here," Naruto said enthusiastically.

"I see. But it got away, did it?" Temari asked, trying to stifle a laughter.

"Ugh. Don't even think about it," the blonde-haired ninja said, crying in a funny expression.

The others were laughing for a few seconds about it. Then as soon as Team 7 was waving goodbye to the Sand Siblings, Sakura decided not to look back the couple since she know that she might be too obvious of herself.

Later on, Kankuro and Temari met up in the balcony while they were sitting down on the floor during their day off. They were discussing about the upcoming events that may take place some time in the future.

"Man... I can't believe that we've gone through all that trouble with the poisonous gas. We thought it was someone else from the Akatsuki that we never heard of," the purple-faced ninja said quietly.

"It turns out that it was Sakura's other half," the ponytail-haired kunoichi muttered.

"Just how did she got out of her body and became dreadful?" Kankuro asked curiously.

"I don't know... I guess her spiritual connection with Sakura had shattered because of her feelings of resentment, anger, and pain that brought her out," Temari answered sadly.

"Yeah. Other than that, she could've been either controlled by someone else that goes against Sakura. That may be one of the possible cases that the Akatsuki are trying to take advantage of," Kankuro said.

"And to think that a person can fight against their own self, that is just... crazy. It's hard to imagine that even your inner battles are the most crucial parts that you're facing," Temari described and continued on. "Sakura is strong... than the others, no matter how big or small the problem is. She is able to find a way to resolve them by going back to the main root of it."

"Yeah. I agree. That girl is definitely a tough kunoichi. It's no wonder that Naruto, Lee and maybe someone else have a major crush on her," the purple-faced ninja chuckled at that thought.

"Hmm. But... do you think Gaara likes her?" The ponytail-haired kunoichi whispered.

"Maybe. Maybe not. However, I mostly think there's a possibility that our little bro has an interest in her... It's not even close to being 'just friends,' you know. I mean, I get the fact that he has a girlfriend now at this age. Like woah, he went first before me," Kankuro chuckled in amusement and continued on. "However, I doubt that Gaara is only doing this just to move on from Sakura."

"Wait, wait. What do you mean by him moving on?" Temari questioned with her eyebrow raised up in confusion.

"You see... Gaara did liked Sakura, but then he found out that she's still in love with Sasuke. So, what did he do? He simply forgot about his feelings for her and instead, he decided to go back and be with his other childhood friend, Katsumi," the purple-faced ninja explained.

"I see... Is that why he's been acting different around her lately? He must've been deprived at those times. Though, I can't say I'm blaming Sakura for Gaara's heartbreak," Temari said frowning.

"No. Not really. What can we do? It's young love. Some teenagers nowadays are falling carelessly for the other ones that they're attracted to. Most of the times, things don't end up well with them, which is why it's called an impossible dream," Kankuro pointed out logically.

"Pfftt. Impossible? Hm. The only thing that is an impossible dream is Gaara and Katsumi's relationship," the ponytail-haired kunoichi said in annoyance and continued on. "I just can't stand that girl... She's always driving me insane. Everytime I'm with Shikamaru, she's interfering our conversation together."

"I agree. That girl is a batty. But she can be smart, you know. I think I'm mostly comfortable to be around Sakura than I'm with Katsumi," the purple-faced ninja thought in speculation.

"Yeah... who do you think that Sakura is going to end up with?" Temari asked curiously.

"My guess is that it's either Sasuke or Naruto..." Kankuro said straightforwardly.

Both of them paused for a moment and they burst out laughing at his ridiculous statement.

"Ah. We don't know. It's possible. But you know, the other night, I had this weird dream... It seems like I've noticed two people holding hands together while everyone was surrounding them in a circle. It's a kind of all blurry, which I couldn't recognize their faces... However, one thing for sure is that the both of them have the same auras and are wearing two different bracelets..." Temari explained with a frown.

Kankuro stared at her for a moment in thought and closed his eyes, saying. "It is not a coincidence... It's going to happen someday and I have a strong feeling that they will eventually reveal themselves and their true love for one another."

Temari nodded in agreement and didn't say anything afterwards while they were continuing to watch the clouds drift away by the sun. They know that everything will fall into the right place at the right time and it takes a bit of faith and patience in many things that they believe in. Both of them do not know who the two people are, but they could only hope for the best.

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