Chapter 14: Too Good To Be True

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Evening came when Team 7 were called to the office by Gaara's orders, including his siblings. They were standing in front of his desk, smiling after all the hard work and effort they've put into their tasks.

“I'm very pleased with the outcomes of this mission. For that, I couldn't be grateful enough for the three of you; Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura. Thank you. Even though, we may not have captured the other Akatsuki members. You were capable and willing to risk your lives to save the well beings of others in our town,” the red-haired Kazekage stated proudly.

“You're welcome. But you know, it was also thanks to you three as well,” Shikamaru noted with a light chuckle.

“Hey, hey! What are we going to do next? It was such a fun adventure,” Naruto said grinning giddily.

“Yup. It sure is. But the good news is that everyone else is safe and nobody is in any kind of danger at this current moment,” Temari pointed out in relief.

“Yeah. But don't you think it was a bit of a struggle, eh? The poisonous gas had everyone going insane. No natural sunlight whatsoever,” Kankuro recalled back at the memory.

“Sorry… hehe,” Sakura giggled nervously as she closed her eyes with a thin smile and rubs her head on the side slowly.

“Don't blame yourself, girl. I know you've been going through some things lately. Damn, just how could you have two spirits in you? You must be too exhausted to steady yourself together,” Temari said laughing impressively.

“That's what my friend Ino asked me. I don't know. It's hard to say. But the easiest thing to explain to you is that my inner self has always been a part of my nature. Nobody can ever change that, except me,” Sakura said softly.

Naruto and Shikamaru glanced at her while she was standing in the middle between them, having second thoughts.

Gaara, on the other hand, writes a letter for Tsunade about the results. He then gives it to Shikamaru, saying. “Here.”

“Thanks,” the leaf jounin leader nodded as he took it and scrolled it up to put inside his small bag.

“Please notify Lady Hokage once you three return back home,” the red-haired Kazekage reminded with a smile until he looked at Sakura's direction and said. “I'm glad you're alright now. How are you feeling?”

The pink-haired kunoichi's lips curled and tries not to prevent her cheeks from turning into bright pink. She answers lightly. “I feel good. A good different.”

Everyone else in the room understood her words, then Baki spoke out.

“Anyway, since your mission is done. What do you guys want to do? I want to treat you all to a nice dinner. It may not be fancy as you may expect. But it will be quite a lot fun for you three to interact with other shinobi. They are rare and well-skilled. Perhaps, dinner reservations will be held at 9:00 pm. Is that okay with you?” He asked gently.

“Sure, of course!” Sakura nodded in delight.

“I'm in,” Naruto said chuckling.

“Duh,” Shikamaru sighed smirking in agreement.

“Good. See you later, kiddos!” Baki gave them a curt nod and left the office as he exits the door, much to the others’ surprise.

“Well, that's it. I guess. I'm going to get ready,” Naruto noted.

“Okay. I'll meet you guys outside the hallway,” Kankuro said smirking.

“I'm going to take a rest first,” Sakura said with a wave at her friends as she followed Naruto along the way out of the room.

Shikamaru watches the two closest friends leave and closed his eyes for a moment to think before he speak out.

“So, Gaara… When are you going to tell them?” He asked quietly.

“Hmm. Yeah, I was wondering the same,” Kankuro said sternly as he stared at his younger brother at the corner of his eyes.

Temari only stood quietly in silence without saying something off from her chest. She was staring into space and was hoping that nothing will go wrong.

However, she cannot control what was happening around her and her little brother's decisions.

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