Chapter 6: Bad Behaviour

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Meanwhile, Naruto, Shikamaru, and the rest of the H2O crew had been assembling the tubes by connecting them with the other. They were all standing on top of the flat surface of the sandy mountain while wearing their oxygen masks on, including the safety goggles. This was only for the case of emergency.

"Alright. Is everyone ready to water down all of the gas?" Baki asked for reassurance.

"Hmm. Yes, sir!" They nodded firmly in unison.

"Good. Now, hold on tight in your positions!" Baki commanded strictly out loud.

"Shit. What if this plan won't work? We got to use our own jutsu," Naruto whispered quietly to Shikamaru behind him.

"Oh, light up, will ya? Definitely it will. You got to trust the process," the leaf jounin leader stated carefully with a slight chuckle.

"Trust the process?! Pfft. My ass," the blonde-haired ninja muttered scornfully under his breath in his mask.

"Ahem. Is there a problem, boys?" Baki questioned as he approached beside them.

"Ahh! No, no, sir Baki," Naruto's eyes startled when he motioned his hand back and forth and laughed nervously.

"Hehe. We are just waiting to drench the air contamination, you know," Shikamaru said formally and secretly narrowed his eyes at the blonde-haired ninja to not comment any further. 

"In about thirty seconds or so. And after this, it will all be over. Okay, everyone. Listen up," Baki called out to get their attention and continued on. "Once all of the five remaining seals are activated, you must saturate the bottom of this village, which is at the exact same time as the rest of the other crews around these mountains. Each five seals contains purified liquid suffusion, making it 20 times bigger and double amount of its capacity. We don't have time to waste, so I expect that we should all work together and end this horrid mess. Quit slacking off or else I will sue your asses down. In other words, I will take good beatings on you. Heh. Just kidding. No, but seriously, if you do not concentrate on this task, you will lose your title or position as a shinobi. Now, when the timer goes off in ten seconds, I'll blow the air horn when you open the water hoses."

"Right!" Everyone replied strongly in accordance. 

"Okay, get ready! Five, four, three, two, one!!" Baki held up the air horn on the front of the crew and blared it noisily. "GOO!!!"

Naruto, Shikamaru, and the rest of the shinobi started to cry out in rally as they hose down the water all over the buildings while the seals had started to switch on and released a huge splashes of water like a rainfall. 

"Wooahh!!" They gasped in amazement as they grinned happily and continued on to eliminate all the toxic gases out of the areas permanently until the very last drop of the hoses. 

Back in the attic, Kankuro and Temari started to travel down the tunnels without notifying their younger brother about their whereabouts. One of them was holding the map while the other is reading the history book with the keys inside it. 

"This is so fun. We never have this kind of adventure," the purple-faced ninja said snickering. 

"Ugh. Oh, please. I'm certain that we are much more in trouble for doing this gimmick," Temari noted, rolling her eyes. 

"Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see. Okay, so the cave is just right around the hallway of our tunnel area," Kankuro said, pointing out the direction from the map. 

"Wait, shouldn't we also retrace our steps back in case we might gone astray?" Temari mentioned and continued on. "If we do, we have to put light marbles on the ground." 

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