Chapter 9: All Worth It

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It was that moment where the mysterious girl and her two allies stood upon the flat surface of the rooftop building. The first thing that they're about to create is a black circle that surrounds the citizens. They've already prepared six seals without letting them see visible in the public eye.

"Zetsu, make sure they're all in the center of my attention," she commanded quietly.

"Alrighty, miss. You got it!" He said grinning gleefully.

"And as for you, Deidara. Do what you must," the girl said without breaking eye contact from the view of the people working in the streets and their shops.

"Oh, yeah... Time to have some fun, hmm," the blonde-haired Akatsuki chirped as he landed on top of the white bird, then flew across the sky to reach towards a specific location.

Meanwhile, Naruto was running and hopping around the buildings, searching for his best friend's whereabouts. He glanced around frantically in hopes to see her. 

"Damn it. If she's not in the hospital, then where did she go?" The blonde-haired ninja asked worriedly in frustration. "Sakura..."

Just for that a matter of seconds, Naruto decided to go back to Shikamaru instead. 

On the other hand, the white Zetsu began to control the minds of the innocent people, using his Spore Technique, which creates the bodies of others by monitoring them. 

Most people started to scream and rambled out at the top of their lungs as they were running in a panicked rush. 

"Perfect. Now, just a little more," the white Zetsu said cackling. 

Within a few minutes, an electrical sound was resonating loudly through their ears like an invisible force of echo that whirls around them. Thus, people were protecting themselves with their hands covered on their hearing as they were moving closer together. 

"It's time..." The black-hooded girl said smiling evilly below them and continued on after stepping forward on the edge of the flat sandy surface. They were all looking at her in skepticism and wonder. "Now that I have your attention, I would like to make an announcement in this village. So embrace yourselves, everyone, because you are about to be experiencing a huge phenomenon." She paused for a moment by taking the hood off slowly revealing her true face. 

"AHHH!!!" Many people gasped shockingly in unison and started whispering to each other quietly. 

"I am the new Sakura Haruno. As you can see, I'm nowhere near as far as from being dead. I'm fully alive and I will be the one who is going to rule over the town, then take the position as the fifth Kazekage," she declared firmly, much to Kankuro and Temari's dismay.

"No fucking way... She must be fucking joking, right?" The purple-faced ninja swore under his breath while clenching his teeth in irritation.

"Honestly, she must be out of her mind... Who the hell is she?" The ponytail-haired kunoichi questioned angrily and sighed. "We don't even know if that's the real Sakura."

"No shit. That girl looks exactly like her back in that cave," Kankuro uttered quickly with his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah. But again, she's one of the Akatsuki. She's probably an impostor or someone posing as her, just to ruin Sakura's real image," Temari explained theoretically.

"Right. Speaking of Sakura, she's nowhere to be seen... The last time we saw her was up on the right side of those rooftops. She was going somewhere or to someone..." Kankuro muttered in peculiar.

"Just what is going on?" Temari asked worriedly. 

"Well, we've got to get out of here and I've just got the right plan," Kankuro said straightforwardly.

"Uh. I do too. So you better count me in, bro," Temari whispered quietly in a hiss as they slowly move out of the crowd. 

But the black circle releases the purple strings of seals around, so both of them stopped themselves for a moment to examine them carefully.

"Ah... Now, this is one of the surprises. You all must stay in the same spot, now that you are all trapped in a huge barrier. If anyone one of you made a single step, you will all die," the Dark Sakura threatens spitefully at them. She turns her back on them and whispered to her ally, saying. "I'll be leaving them to you in your hands, Zetsu, while I go back and see how she's doing."

"No problem, miss. Ah! You are dazzling. You really are an Akatsuki material," he said grinning widely.

"Hm. As always," Dark Sakura said as she flipped her hair confidently and retreated in a swirl of cherry blossom petals out of their sight. 

"Oh, jeez. It must be one of those old tricks, eh?" Kankuro said dully at that.

"Don't underestimate her. We don't know what she's capable of. After all, she managed to spread the poisonous gas in our home," Temari hissed.

"Ugh, so what are we going to do? We are just going to wait around and not do shit?! We've got to inform Gaara about this..." the purple-faced ninja pointed out.

"I know. So let's pull this off," the ponytail-haired kunoichi said and they both made substitutions for their places while everyone else is talking helplessly to each other. 

During that time, Katsumi entered Gaara's office and told him about the issue at hand. 

"There's a bit of trouble outside the streets. Everyone is captured in a barrier and they have no way out," she said in concern.

"What? Right now?!" The red-haired Kazekage asked in shock.

"Yes. Apparently, there was Sakura and she's in the Akatsuki," Katsumi said.

Gaara, on the other hand, began to narrow his eyes and asks quietly. "What makes you say that?" 

"Well, she's wearing a black hood and a mark. That may be the possible case that she must have left the hospital couple of hours ago," the brunette thought out loud. 

"I doubt that is entirely her... Katsumi, you should know that Sakura has been very ill lately, so I suggest that we should both investigate this and find out more," the red-haired Kazekage stated calmly as he stood up from his chair and walk towards the door to exit. 

"Okay," the brunette nodded in agreement and followed him from behind. 

Back inside the cave, the girl met up with Deidara, who was watching the pink-haired kunoichi below locked up in chains with her arms and legs out inside the bright purple sphere. 

"Hm. Any progress yet?" She asked curiously. 

"Yup. It's working. Every bit last amount of chakra that she has will literally be transferred into yours when she passes out," Deidara answered.

"It better be..." dark Sakura said sternly and chuckles at the sight of her in a far distance, saying. "Look at you, you're just as pathetic as you always are. No wonder why Ino still wants to overpower you and beat you to the very bottom. I can't believe you're still in love with that Sasuke Uchiha. That pretty boy with a bad attitude... Too bad. He hates you and Naruto. Sooner or later, I will own everything that you have and you will entirely cease to exist..."

The pink-haired kunoichi still has her head laying down while she has her eyes slightly open unconsciously in a haze on the ground. She couldn't move an inch or hear a sound because all her five sense were gone. 

Therefore, she lost herself. 

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