Chapter 17: Just For Now

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Around 7:00 am in the morning, the rest of the leaf squad were standing near the main entrance gates. They were preparing themselves to hold up a huge sign banner, whereas the others were holding confetti poppers and balloons as they were talking casually.

"Honestly, I've been making some new weapons lately and finding a way to start my own business," Tenten sighed tiredly with a yawn.

"I've been wandering around the neighbourhood if there's anyone who I could spar with and beat them up to the extent," Kiba said snorting arrogantly.

"Jeez. That seems to be aberrant. I doubt that people would approve to go practice training with you if you are just going to harass them. Seriously? How thick can you get?" Ino remarked with a shook of her head.

"I've been eating so many junk food and I almost got constipated in my bowels. I tried not to fart so loud in my bedroom as much as possible. It was too horrible," Choji said unpleasantly.

"Gross. You are a nasty fu-" Kiba was laughing until he got shoved harshly on the shoulder.

"Okay. That's enough. Look, Choji. You really need to avoid those junkies if you don't want to upset your stomach. Try eating more vegetables and lean meat," Ino advised him carefully.

"I totally agree with you. After all, Guy-sensei had encouraged me to balance my diet daily. That is why I've become stronger and stronger," Lee pointed out as he flexed his muscles out in demonstration.

"Hm. I was more into meditation lately," Neji spoke out coolly with his arms crossed.

"That's great. How about you, Hinata? What have you been doing these days?" Ino asked curiously.

"Practicing my ninjutsu and developing new techniques," she answered softly.

"Ah... I see, you're trying to get ahead of everything, eh? Or are you trying to impress a certain boy in our group-" Ino teased, but got interrupted.

"N-n-no!! I just want to be better than I was before," Hinata protested as she tried to prevent her cheeks from blushing in embarrassment.

"Lady Tsunade, I was wondering if there are other specific type of books that I can borrow from the library? My pet bugs have been acting funny lately," Shino asked inquisitively.

"Is that so? I can help you with that some other time. Feel free to come by to my office," the fifth Hokage answered.

"No, I can't. I have to be at home to do some tasks for my parents," Shino said.

"Alright, then. Again, come by anytime," Tsunade said with a curt nod.

"How about you, Lee? Do you know?" Shino asked beside him.

"Sorry. I don't, but you can ask Sakura once she gets back here in a minute or so," Lee noted.

"Wait! Is that them?!" Kiba questioned out loud in excitement.

The group glanced around to look at the three figures walking towards them with their bags being carried on their shoulders.

"Hey!! Sakura! Naruto! Shikamaru!" Ino called out cheerfully.

Then, the leaf squad pulled out the huge banner as a Welcome Back sign in front of them and burst out the confetti poppers in the air, much to the Team 7's astonishment.

"Surprise!!!" They announced harmoniously.

Team 7, on the other hand, smiled warmly at them, whereas Sakura started to run towards the girls to hug and greet them, including her mentor.

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