Chapter 8: Help!

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Her green eyes was fluttering open, yet her vision was still hazy from what she remembered. She started to keep blinking until she can see where she was right now. Her fingers were twitching voluntarily and gripped the white blanket tightly after she finally realizes that she had lost control over herself in the hospital. 

"How did that happened...? Why? Why am I acting this way?" Sakura questioned herself in mind, but there was no answer. 

She moved her head on the left to look at the clock and noticed that it's almost noon. Then, she was getting up from the bed, groaning in pain. She was gathering her thoughts and she couldn't help but feel physically weak. 

"So strange... Did I really try to harm the patients and my coworkers at that time?" She asked in confusion and clenched her fists in annoyance, saying. "I've got to get out of here. I really need to go and find Naruto and the others. I need to ask them about something." 

She stood up but ends up falling on the floor. Although, she managed to stand up on her feet and exits the door without showing herself in front of the doctors and nurses around the area.

As soon as she left the hospital building, she made a quick run and hopped onto different rooftops, much to the others' curiosity. 

Sakura stopped for a moment when she realized that there was no poisonous gas circling anymore. She was surprised and was glad that everyone was safe. But before she could made a wide turn on the corner of the street, she accidentally bumped into someone with a black cloak around her, much to her startle. 

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there. Excuse me," the pink-haired kunoichi said in a hurry. She didn't recognized the face of the girl who has her lips curled into a malicious smile. 

"Sakura Haruno... the medical kunoichi of the hidden leaf village. You are one step closer to destruction," the girl said laughing in a deep tone of her voice and flashed out of the sight. 

On the other side of the streets near the desserts and ice cream shop location, Kankuro and Temari were walking down while they were both taking a break from their duties. 

"Man..." the purple-faced ninja took a bite of the chocolate donuts and said. "This is going to be tiring. Considering the fact that the Akatsuki are on their way to kill us."

"Not necessarily. We are under the investigation of what their real plan is. We will find them," the ponytail-haired kunoichi noted as she sips heavily on the taro bubble tea.  

"Hmm. By the way, do you want to check how Sakura is doing? I mean, she really wasn't acting herself a few days ago, even after we discovered that there was someone else that-" Kankuro said quietly but got interrupted.

"Yeah. I know... It's bizarre," Temari shuddered nervously at that thought. 

"We need to tell Naruto and Shikamaru about this," Kankuro reminded.

"Soon. Once we are finish with work," the ponytail-haired kunoichi pointed out and looks back on the front while they were strolling. 

"Right," Kankuro agreed and crumples the donut wrapper as he shoved it inside his pocket. 

Both of them suddenly stopped for a moment and looked up to see the pink-haired kunoichi hopping onto different rooftops of the buildings, much to their shock. 

"What the-?" The purple-faced ninja asked blankly.

"Sakura?" The ponytail-haired kunoichi muttered with her eyes widened. 

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