3. Trying to feed you.

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Leo: "Come on (Y/N)" Leo tried not to whine as he tried to feed you. You shook your head, folded your arms and looked away. Leo sighed.

Raph: "Like it or not (Y/N), you have to eat" Raph stated as he held up a spoonful of mush. You shook your head and hit the spoon, making the mush go flying through air, landing on Raph's face. You giggled as he deadpanned. Mush rushing down his cheek.
"(Y/N)!!" he shouted, frustrated. You continued to giggle.

Donnie: Donnie sighed as you refused to eat the mush. He had been trying to get you to eat the mush for the last half an hour. But your stubborn self refused. Donnie suddenly got an idea.
"Hey (Y/N), if you eat your food, we can go and play with some toys" Donnie bribed. Your eyes lit up as you nodded and clapped.

Mikey: "Here comes the airplane! Nnngghrreeee!".
"That's not gonna work" Raph huffs as he rolled his eyes.
"Shhh! Let me work my magic!" Mikey called to his brother before going back to making airplane noises. You grinned and opened your mouth, eating the mush. Mikey looked at Raph smugly. Raph threw his arms in the air and walked off.

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