9. Your first birthday with the turtles.

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"Happy birthday!" your brothers shouted as soon as you walked into the kitchen. You were surprised to see food and presents on the table. With a small smile, you move to sit at the table.
"I can't believe I've lived with you guys for a year now" you commented.
"Time flys" Leo smiled.
"Open my present first!" Mikey shouted. You laughed at his eagerness and opened the present he handed you. Inside the box was an action figure.
"Thanks Mikey" you smiled. You opened the next box, which was purple. You figured it was Donnie. The book inside confirmed it was him. You moved to open the next box, which was blue. Inside the box was a note book and pen. You thanked Leo for the gift and opened the red box, smiling at the homemade necklace.
"Thanks Raph" you smiled softly. He turned away and blushed.
"Be careful with this box (Y/N)" your dad warned. You raised an eyebrow and carefully opened the box. Your eyes widened at the sight of the cute black kitten with a red bow tied loosely around her neck. You awed and gently took her out of the box. Patting her to calm her down until she started purring.
"Thank you father" you smiled. You decided to call the kitten Smokey.

The kitten is a stray Master Splinter found. He couldn't leave the kitten on her own because she couldn't fend for herself. So he took her in and decided to give her to you.

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