6. Nightmares.

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"Finally, we can get rid of the little pest" your mum sniggered as she pulled you along, her fingers digging into your arm, hard enough to leave bruises. You whimpered.
"Shut up!" your mum hissed, making you flinch.
"Now, where to?" the mum asked your dad, who was now eyeing an uncovered manhole. Your mum followed his gaze and smirked. Without a second thought, she pushed you into the sewers, cackling as she heard you scream. You whimpered as you sat up, looking up at the people who were meant to be your parents.
"Bye bye, pest" your mum hissed with a nasty grin before leaving.
"No!" you shouted as you sat up in bed. Sweat covering your body as tears fell down your cheeks.
"(Y/N)?" Someone asked worried. You looked up to see Leo, along with your brothers and father, who looked extremely worried. You whimpered quietly. Leo moved to sit on your bed, your brothers following his lead.
"Did you have a nightmare?" Leo asked softly. You nodded.
"Did you want to tell us about it?". You hesitated before nodding.
"It was about my parents" you started.
"And how we came to find you?" Donnie asked softly. You nodded.
"My parents weren't very nice. They starved me and hit me. And never gave me warm clothes. In the end they didn't want me. So they pushed me into sewers, leaving me to rot" you spoke sadly, eyes on your hidden knees. Your story was short, but sad. Your brothers, and even your dad, had tears in their eyes. Suddenly you were ambushed by hugs and were forced into a turtle pile.
"Don't worry (Y/N), we're your family now" Leo spoke up.
"Yeah" Mikey shouted.
"We will always be here for you" Donnie smiled.
"You ain't getting rid of us that easily" Raph smirked. You started to cry again, but this time the tears that fell down your cheeks were tears of happiness. Your father smiled at the sight in front of him.

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