Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Shocking Histories

My surroundings looked different when I woke up. I was in a small albeit spacious room. It was furnished simply. Besides the bed, there was only a small couch in a corner and a table at the bedside. The room was dull; it had a brownish tint with maroon curtains. There were no decorations whatsoever, not even a mirror.

What stood out was the plethora of flowers spread all over the bed. From roses to daisies, their silky petals surrounded me. The evening light shined lightly upon then, providing them a radiance that made them even more breathtaking. I would have been touched and awed by this display if not for my worry. As pretty as they were, they still could not distract me from my trouble.

I was at an alien place, and all that I remembered before my abduction was my fight, if you could call it that, with a strange man at my house.

Wife? Who are you and what do you want? I said incredulously.

Im Adan, a demon, and I want you to be my future wife, the man, Adan, perched himself against a wall. I looked at him warily, he was a demon? I didnt want to believe him but his entrance proved it. My palms started becoming clammy, and my breathing quickened. I looked around trying to find a way out, but he didnt have any openings.

 He snapped his fingers; with each snap a spark of electricity lighted. He was looking slightly bored waiting for my response.

When I failed to say anything he started walking towards me. So whats it going to be? Yes or no? Its not like you have a choice, with each step my eyes grew wider. I needed to get away. Run. But how?

Get away from me, I yelled as I tried to distant myself from him. The bed head was as far as I could go. He didnt care about what I was saying; Adan just kept advancing towards me slowly. Soon I was within his reach, and he immediately took advantage of that. He reached out his hands to touch my cheek.

I yelped as if I were in pain, the fear was too overpowering. A surge of energy filled my body and I released a large burst of it, pushing him towards the opposite wall. 

Adan looked stunned from the hit. He didnt look hurt. He was just stunned, that energy burst was something that he didn't expect. I used the pause to try and escape, heading straight for the door. I was stumbling all over the place. The panic prevented me from keeping a clear head; all I could think was to run as quickly as possible.

Leaving so soon? Adan appeared in front of me out of thin air. The suddenness of his movements made me tumble backwards, landing on the floor. My arm grazed the edge of cupboard, causing a large bleeding wound.

Adan reacted to it at once. Whyd you have to get yourself hurt? He rushed towards my side and furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at my wound as he lifted up my arm; he seemed to be very concerned.

I pushed against him; I didnt want him touching me. But he was unmovable; I couldnt seem to make him move an inch. Dont worry, it's to close the wound, he bent down and lapped at the cut, sending shivers down my back. It seemed so disgusting and yet it felt sickeningly pleasurable. I continued trying to push him away at first but soon I decided to stop, it was futile, and his actions were starting to make me feel weak.

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