Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Best Friend

I couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

A headache was starting to build up. This was all too overwhelming. "What do you mean I'll die?"

"It means that. You'll die," Adan said, shrugging. "Darkness could be either of us."

I mouthed an 'oh my god'. Unbelievable. They were hiding this from me all this while. Doing mind juju in my brain. Were my thoughts even still my thoughts? I was confused enough as it was-- I didn't need this stupid prophecy to clog my head up any further.

Adan wrapped a hand around my shoulder. I gnashed my teeth against each other. I was probably seething like a chimney. "Get out," I said.

"What? You were the one that wanted to hear the prophecy."

"GET OUT!" They played with my emotions and used me for their selfish purposes. The both of them were unforgivable. "Burn in hell."

"You're on your period."

Did he just say that? "And you're a dick."

He squinted his eyes, inspecting my face. "Yep, definitely PMS."

I grabbed his collar and pulled hard, straining his neck down and bringing his face closer to mine. I was obviously on the verge of a rampage, glaring and being absolutely unappeasable. "I don't want to talk to you, or Jason, or any other demon or pixie or vampire or werewolf for that matter. I want to talk to humans. Mortal normal beings that don't go around blasting asses and sucking blood. So get the hell out of my room before I smash your face."

Adan seemed to shrink. "Wow you have it bad." His pitch rose a few notches. I narrowed my eyes at him. He gingerly licked his lips and stared at me blankly. "Okay. I'll leave."

Victory. I was secretly very pleased with myself, and did a happy dance in my head. "Good," I said matter-of-factly. I sat on my bed and felt the soft cotton mattress sink down. "Now get--" out. As I blinked, he sped away, disappearing right before my eyes.

Jason sat behind me again, like before. We hadn't said a word to each other. I didn't know whether it was because he read my thoughts and found out about what happened with Adan last night, or that it was because I was pissed. Really pissed. Ten times more pissed than I'd be if my dad just told me he was gay.

Well whatever. I didn't want to talk to him anyway.

School felt stupid. Why were we even in school? Demons didn't go to school. They were too busy spreading their evil plans around--not that I was evil. Those two definitely were. Probably.

So there I was in class with a bunch of dumb judgmental teenagers and an ancient demon lord sitting right behind me. Perfect. The fact that he could have been 'darkness' and had the potential to lead me to my death didn't help either.

I needed a chill pill.

"Looks like someone got plastic surgery," an obnoxious familiar voice said.  Kayla sashayed past me toward a bunch of giggly girls, or sluts as I preferred to call them. Their collars hung too low and skirts too high.

I picked up her gossip with my sensitive ears. "So maybe that's why shes been missing for so long. Must have had bad self-esteem. It's understandable. Have you seen her previous face? At least it isn't so painful to look at now." The slut group started to chortle in unison. "Not that my eyes don't still sting when I look at her of course."

Kayla was lucky that I didn't break off her arm. Bitch.

I felt a small hand rest on my shoulder. "Don't listen to them they're just jealous."

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