Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Her Final Choice

My body felt numb. I trusted Jason to never put me to any harm. He promised that he would take care of me, and swore that he loved me.


Everything he said was all lies. I felt entirely defiled. I pulled the sheets away, looking down at my attire. My clothes were ripped to shreds, with the remnants of it on the floor and some I still wore.

I thought that he was my mate.

At least I couldn't remember what happened last night. My last memory was Jason roughly pinning me down and tearing... something off. I didn't want to think about what happened. It was a blessing in disguise that I passed out before I felt any of the horrors.

I wasn't ready, and he just forced himself on me.

I looked around warily for Jason. Adan might've killed Hollie but Jason had done something horrible too. I cautiously slipped my foot off the bed and onto the ground before walking to the stack of clothes that someone had left behind. If anybody saw me in this state, I would be so embarrassed. And I feared having to explain and relive what happened last night.

Next to the stack of clothes was a note. I tore it open and read it:

Dear Jane,

My love, I hope that last night has made you come to the realization that we were meant to be with each other. You should no longer reject my advances. Not after I've claimed you and left my scent over you.

Please, make the right decision when the moon is up tonight.


Your ever-loving Jason

Disgust rose from the pits of my stomach as I read the letter. Jason had a barbaric manner in courting a girl—to put it bluntly, he raped me. I never detested him more in her life. Not only had his plan failed to make me desire him, it made it difficult to imagine spending the rest of eternity with him.

But Adan murdered Hollie.

Jason never failed to drill that thought into my mind. It had been a month and I still hadn't gotten over Hollie's death. Hollie. The woman that stayed with me throughout the entire ordeal that the two males put me through. She was like a sister to me; strong, caring and selfless. Just thinking about her made me want to break down into tears.

I held back my tears and picked up the clothes. My body felt disgusting. I needed to scrub every single crevice of it. For some reason, I couldn't picture myself with another man other than Adan now. The thought of it repulsed me.

I stepped into the shower and turned it on. Cold water shot against my body. That was what I needed—a cold shower to get my thoughts running and to kick me out of depression. I wished to return to my old life. My schoolmates hating and gossiping about me seemed like an insignificant sport compared to the havoc that was going on now.

In approximately ten hours, I was to choose the fate of the world. Either Jason or Adan were 'evil' and could potentially destroy the earth, killing me in the process. But based on facts alone, the both of them seemed as equally vile to me. One was a rapist while the other was a murderer--well, both were murderers but Adan was a murderer of one of the people I loved the most.

Yet, I still couldn't bring myself to believe that Adan had killed Hollie. The both of them were so close. In fact, the person that seemed to hate Hollie the most was Jason. He always looked at her with burning, vengeful eyes. Although, it might've been my resentment against him that clouded my judgment.

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