ShadAmy- The love of a rose

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Finally ShadAmy!!!!

(Amys pov)

I was walking to my house, after some great time with the girls. It was getting dark, and I was tired. To make it quick, I took the short cut by the forest. It was really dark, I couldn't even see my nose too well. I really didnt like it here, so I tried to get a move on. *CRACK*

"Huh..who's there?! Come out! " I yelled at whoever just broke a branch, I looked around. I saw a dark figure coming up to me. "Well hello, I guess I can have some fun tonight" It was Scrouge and he grabbed me, I couldnt get out of his grasp. He started kissing my neck, I tried to stop him. I even shouted for help but he covered my mouth with his hand.

"Let her go!" I looked at the dark hedgehog figure, tears in my eyes. At first I thought its my Sonikku, but his voice was diffrent. " Who the hell are you!?" Scrouge yelled at him, still holding me really tight. The hedgehog didnt answer, he just came up and punched Scrouge. He let me go and I runned away from there. As far as possible, I didnt know that hedgehog. I was worried he will hurt me, so I kept running deeper into the forest. I runned far away from my house, I didnt want him to know were I live. I have a bad feeling he is following me, so I tried to loose him first.

"Thats a lovely way of saying thank you." I turned around, it was that hedgehog."...Thank you." I said to him, I started walking right pass him. That was a bad idea, he grabbed my wrist. "You shouldn't be walking home alone...Why were you running the opisite way of your house?" He asked me, I still couldn't see him too well.

"I thought...well that...I was...just scared." I tried to get free from his grasp, to my suprise he let me go. "You can stop lying, you thought I am going to hurt you. So you tried to loose me, everyone I help is like that. " he said, his voice was rather upset. He just tried to help us, but we have just been mean by running away, by being terrified of the one that helped us. He was walking away, I felt really bad. I walked up to him, and garbbed his arm. "What are you doing?" he didn't seem to happy I stopped him."I just want to thank you, so follow me." I pulled on his arm, he didnt want to come. "No. Im okay, really. Just leave me alone." I ignored him.

After a while we arrived at my house, when I turned around I saw him. He was a black hedgehog with red stripes,  he looked a lot like Sonic. I opened the door, and I made sure he went in. He looked around, "Tell me, why am I here?" I gestured him to sit down on the couch, without hesitation he did. "I always say thank you to people by cooking them something. Any thing special you fancy?" I looked over to were he is sitting, he looked at me. "Dont bother yourself, its fine really." God, he was so stubborn. He got up and headed for the door, I got in front of him. "Fine, you win stubborn hedgehog." I told him, still blocking his way." So can you let me pass?" I looked at him, I still felt bad. "Only, but only of you tell me your name. Also if you promise we meet again, I want to know you better."

"Fine, names is Shadow the hedgehog. And sure see you around." I moved out of the way, he walked ot the door but before he got away, "My name is Amy Rose" I told him, he nodded and vanished. Shadow, I like that name.


Here it is finally,  first part of the ShadAmy story I promised. Next part soon. Hope you like the cover, I did it myself after tons of work and time!

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