Getting to know everyone

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(normal pov)

Amy started explaining to Shadow all about Sonic, he also asked about her other friends. So she decided that she will give him a short explanation about them all.

"Tails: He is Sonic best buddy, as he calls him. He is one smart kid and can build/reprogram anything. Hes the orange two tailed fox.

Knuckles: He is the guardian of the master emerald. He has an short temper and is great friends with Sonic, he also has a girlfriend Rouge.He is the red echidna.

Rouge: She is a jewel thief, and works for G.U.N. She is the white bat.

Silver: He looks similar to Sonic, has powers of telekinesis. He is pretty funny and clumsy. Might have a crush on Blaze. Also he is the white hedgehog.

Blaze: She is really kind, but she does have a temper. She has fire powers, and she is a really close friend of mine. Also she has a crush on Silver. She is the purple cat.

Cream: She is like a sister to me. She has a chao called Cheese, he is always by her side. She is the little rabbit.

Manic: He is Sonics triplet brother, he is an excellent drummer. He is also dating Sally.He is the green hedgehog.

Sonia: She is Sonics and Manics triplet sister, she is amazing on pianonor keyboard. She is an pinkish, purple hedgehog.

Sally: She is a princess of Acorn Kingdom, she is amazing at fighting. She is a really close friend of mine. She is the chipmunk/Squirrel. "

When Amy was finally done listing all her friends, she took a deep breath."That is everyone, I don't think I missed anyone out." she said smiling at Shadow. "Alright, I guess we can begin." Shadow said, his voice didnt seem to happy. Shadow used Chaos Control to teleport to Amys house. When they arrived, they got greeted by the gang.

(Shadows pov)

Alright act normal and friendly.I let Amy go, she walked up to her friends. " Hey guys....sorry for what hard feelings?" she asked, her voice sweet and delicate. They all shared looks and nodded their heads, all of them walked up to Amy and hugged her. I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed. When they stopped hugging, Amy came up to me and took my wrist. She dragged me up to them. "Alright sugar.Lets start this over." Rouge said, I tried not giving her 'WTF' look since we are friends, we both work for G.U.N and we are partners. "Rouge, cant you remember me?" I said, making everyone look at us, then all eyes went on Rouge for explanation. She sighed " We work together at G.U.N, and we are partners and..... friends." she took a deep breath before saying the last word.


Sorry this is short, and sorry for the long wait. Lately, its harder to think of idea since im thinking double. Well i promise the next part will be longer, also my tablet froze and i hate to type on my laptop the stories. Vote, comment or just read and dont let me know you guys like it :)

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