There is no Sonic in ShadAmy!

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(Amys pov)

I woke up, after having a wonderful dream. I coudln't remeber it, but it made me have a fantastic mood in the morning. As I got dressed, I got downstairs. As I finished eating some sandwiches, I left in my fridge my door bell rang. *RING RING* I answer it, to have Rouge bolt in my house.

(Normal pov)

"So hun, I saw everything. UNTIL you ran in the god damn forest. TOO many trees and I lost ya.....What happend???" Rouge said, when she sat down on the couch.

Amy sat across from Rouge, taking a deep breath before telling her everything. "Well, Scrouge grabbed me. Sonic takkled him, while Shadow checked on me. Sonic explained why, he kept ignoring me. I, like always forgived him, also thanked him for help. I thanked Shadow, then they took me home. So now Sonic will hang about with me, he only thought I will take it the wrong way. Like that he loves me, but I am just like a sister or something."

Rouge smiled and nodded, then got up and sat beside Amy. "So, we know it's not Sonic....How ya feel about Shadow?"

Amy, blushed at that question. But she hid it well, so Rouge didn't see. "Well, I am not sure. But I am sure I'm over Sonic....That reminds me, I GOTTA CALL SHADOW!" Amy rushed to her room, she grabbed her phone a called Shadow.

Rouge sneeked on Amy, and was now beside Amy when she was talking to Shadow. She put her ear to Amys phone, so she can hear what Shadow says.

(Phone call)

Shadow: Hey Amy, what you want?

Amy: Hey Shadow, just wanna tell you. I don't need your help anymore.

Shadow: Help with what, and why not?

Amy: To help me get Sonic, when he said that yesturday. I relised, I am over him.

Shadow: Okay, bye Rose

Amy: Bye, Shady *hang up*

(End of phone call)

"Wow, he does like you!!!!!" Rouge, shouted. Getting Amy to jump.

"What you mean Rouge?" Amy asked, giving her a confused look.

Rouge sighed, at how clueless Amy was. " He gived you a nickname, I know him for 2 years. No nickname. Also, you give him a nickname. You would never give anyone else a nickname except Sonic. And I thought the Ultimate Life Form, would never fall in love. Lucky that I didn't bet on that." She said, with a little giggle at the end.

Amy sat there, Rouge was right. She was falling for Shadow, but she wasn't sure about Shadow feeling the same way. She didn't want to be laughed at, if she says it to him and he won't feel the same way. Rouge smiled at Amy, and waved her bye. Leaving Amy in her thoughts, as she heard the door slam she took out her diary.

-With Rouge-

Rouge was now waking the streets, she noticed Shadow and Knuckles talking. That didn't give good news, she rushed over to them.

"Hey, guys. How are ya?" She said, having both of them stop and look at her.

Knuckles approached Rouge, putting his arm around her. He kissed her cheek, and waved bye to Shadow.

"Hey, you wouldn't belive what happend yesturday" Knuckles said, holding his girlfriend tight.

"That Amy is over Sonic. After he told her the truth?" Rouge quessed, and giggled.

Knuckles stopped, which made Rouge stop also. He looked at her, suprised and shocked. "How did ya know? Well I didn't knew she is over him. But I knew she knows the truth."

Rouge giggled at how stupid her Knuckie can be, " Amy told me, I just left her house" she answerd his question.

-With Amy-

Amy finished writing in her diary. She went downstairs and opened her door, so she could go for a walk. When she did, she found Shadow about to knock on her door. They both blushed, and give each other a warm smile. Shadow moved aside, so Amy can come out and lock the door.

" I was going for a walk, wanna join me?" Amy asked Shadow, who simply nodded his head.

They both went to the park, they walked around for 2 hrs. Talking about everything, how are they, what they like etc. Amy also asked Shadow how is he getting along with everyone. He was getting on fine, he was suprised that they accepted him.

After walking for  a while longer, they bumbed into Sonic, Tails and the rest of the gang. Not including Knuckles and Rouge, who just walked up to everyone else.

Since everyone was there, Cream offerd a idea of having a picnic. Everyone nodded to the idea, and agreed to meet here in 1hr and 30 min.

Shadow and Amy went to together. Cream, Chesse, Tails, Sonic and Sonia went together. Manic and Sally together. Blaze, Silver, Rouge and Knuckles together.

Shadow and Amy, were meant to get the food, since Amy is the best cook in the group. Cream, Cheese, Tails, Sonic and Sonia got the drinks. Manic and Sally meant to find a spot. Blaze, Silver, Rouge and Knuckles went to get some blankets and pillows.
A/N Hey guys, its not so long but I had this idea and had to do it, before I would forget. :)

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