Help with love

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(Sonics pov)

We have been looking for Amy, the whole day. We couldnt find her, no matter how hard we looked. Tails came up with the idea of trying to track her phone, "and....there, I know where Amy is!" Tails yelled across the workshop. We noticed that she was at her house? Thats is not possible we have been there over 100 times. We cheked, she was not there. We found her phone but we didn't find her. It was night, we would continue tomorrow.

(Amys pov)

I woke up, I noticed Shadow sleeping across the room, he looked adorable. What was I thinking, am I falling for Shadow? Impossible, I love Sonic. Sonic, lately he was been even more distant from me than usual. I wish I had a boy on my side that would help me with Sonic, others just laugh or say that is a waste of time. I looked over at Shadow, maybe he will help?

I went to the kitchen, and made us breakfast. I sticked with basic, egg and bacon, also some toast. Just when I finished I noticed Shadow standing in the corner. "Hope you are hungry" I said to him, he walked up to me and looked over my shoulder. "Smells good" he commented and took his plate to the table, we sat down and eaten our food in silence.

"Shadow?" he looked up at me, "Can you help me with something?" he came up and picked my plate up, he nodded his head. When he came back he asked, "Help with what?" I looked away shyly, not sure how to say it to him. With him it was diffrent, it wasnt that easy.

"Help me get a boy like me" I said, rather quietly. He looked at me, in a weird way. "Why me?" he asked, he seemed suprised I asked him. I got up, and tucked my chair in. I jumped on his neck, "Please Shadow, I beg you. No one elese wants to help!" I said to him, my voice slightly rised. He pulled me off him, but way more gentle than Sonic. He looked at me, I was doing the puppy face. He sighed and said "Fine..."

He took my hand, and lead me to the living room. He gestured for me to sit, he sat beside me and turned his head to face me. "Alright, who is that guys you like? Also what is he like?" he said, his voice rather annoyed.

(Shadows pov)

Well this crushed me, she likes someone else. "His name is Sonic, he is the blue hedgehog we saw yesturday." That pissed me of, she loves the hedgehog that was..."Shadow?....Shadow?!" I turned to face Amy again. "Are you going to help?" she asked me, her eyes full of hope. I nodded my head, I will help her.


This is a bit short, but im back and can update!

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