Rouge stands up for Shadow

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(Rouges pov)

"....friends" I really didnt want to say that, but then he would. I looked at my friends, especially at Knuckles. He never liked that I hid something from him. His eyes were full of shock, I just hope we wont get too mad at me. "Why didn't you tell us this earlier?!" Knuckels said to me, his voice wasnt angry but more likely hurt. I noticed Shadow backing away, he leaned on the wall, his arms crossed. I looked at Amy, she was walking up to him. I guess she wanted a explanation, just like they did from me.

"Rouge!" Knuckels shouted, he was getting angry. I looked up to him, then my eyes turned to the others. I sighed, here goes nothing "Well...I thought you guys know...hate me, since you guys didn't. ...didnt seem to like him." I took a short break, Amy and Shadow came up. I knew that the gang, will go hard on him. That they will not even try to understand him, I know he has been throuhh a lot. "But to be honest guys, you should give him a chance. He is a great friend, I know that when he disappeared with Amy, he was just trying to be a good friend." Shadow give me a warm, and kind smile.

Knuckles came up to me, I was ready to hear him shout and get pissed. He didnt instead he came up to me and hugged me, I hugged back. I walked up to Shadow and puched his arm, "Alright, what was that for?" he said, his voice annoyed. Everyone started at us, trying to understand. "You are lucky, they are not mad. Because then I would kill you!" I said, my voice rise slightly.

He gived me a smirk, "Come on Rouge, you cant even kill a fly." Alright, I was about to kill him right there and right now. "Well about we grab something to eat?" Amy said, I guess she noticed that I was about to kill him. "Fine by me....but you *points at Shadow* are sitting away from me!" I said, still mad at his last comment.

(Normal pov)

Theh all went to a bar, well a restaurant-bar place. They had a round table, Sitting as followed:













Then back to Sonic

Rouge wasnt so happy that she had to sit beside Shadow, even though they are close friends. All the girls ordered a salad, except for Amy she and Shadow ordered chips (fries). Sonic ordered some chilly dogs, while the rest of the boys either had a burger or just a hotdog.

They all had fun, they talked and made jokes. Everyone made good friends with Shadow, they all changed their mind about Shadow, and Shadow changed his mind about them. When it was time to pay, everyone paid for their selfs, execpt Manic and Knuckles paid for their girlfriend. "I forgot my purse!" Amy said, as she was looking through her bag. Shadow took out some  more money, and paid for her. He smiled at her, she smiled back and hugged him. Saying a little thank you in his ear.


I know its not really long, but its here earlier than it meant to be!!!

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