A mysterious hedgehog

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(Amys pov)

The next morning, I was woken up by a knock on the door. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Alright this person started to piss me off. "Coming!" I quickly got changed into my normal red dress, boots, gloves and hairband. I went downstairs to see who it was.

"Hey Amy, can you help me?" It was Tails, he looked awful. "Sure I will help, but what happend?" I let him come inside, he sat down on the couch while I made us some tea and breakfast. "Thanks Amy, I really needed breakfast" he said giving me a friendly smile, "Alright, start talking what happend" he took a sip of my tea, "Well, I asked Sonic to help me work on my machine. The one that will help us find chaos emeralds quicker. He came and half way he just went away, cousing the part of the machine he was workig on explode. " Tails said, hos voice really upset. His best friend ditched him. "I bet my Sonikku had a reason, but still thay is mean. Lets go, I will help you" I told him giving him a smile, he nodded with that I took the dishes to the sink. I will wash them when I get back, I went out the door with Tails then locked it.

When we got to his workshop, Sonic was waiting outside it. Tails was still a bit mad at Sonic, bit only if it has to do with his machines. In this case it did. "Hey bud....Hey Amy." Tails ignored Sonic and went inside, I waved at Sonic and hugged him really tight. "AMY!!! GET OFF!!!" I let go, he never rised his voice like that. Tears were forming in my eyes but I held them, and walked in the workshop. Shutting the door right at his face.

"So Tails, what do you want me to do?" he took my hand, making me follow him to his basement. He showed me the machine and told me to, secure the part Sonic meant to be doing. Everytime it looked bad, had for example steam coming out, I had to let him know. Then he would do something that wouldnt make it explode. I dont really get it, but im not the young genius here.

After inwas done I headed back home, I noticed Sonic watching something on the TV. I decided that maybe today he is in a bad mood, so Im going to leave him alone. I walked all the way to my house, like yesterday I took the short cut. I hoped that I will see Shadow again, there was something about him. Something that made me feel safe, and cared for. I walked really slowly, maybe he is here somewhere. "I thought you be smart enough, to keep out of this forest." I turned around, it was Shadow. I could jump on him and hug him, but then he would think im a weirdo. "I knew, I find you here" I said giving him a smile, he looked at me blankly.  "You were serous about wanting to meet again?" he didnt let me answer he continued,  "A lot of people say that, but when they see me then ignore me." he said hosnhead going slightly down. I went up to him and hugged him, he didnt hug me back for the first couple of moments but then he did hug back. "Well, you can say im different. One of a kind." I let him go, and smiled at him.  He returned the smile, "So Shadow, wanna go to a cafe and get to know each other better?" I asked him, he nodded. I took his hand, I took him to my favourite cafe. We went inside and had a little look at the menu, then started talking.

(Blazes pov)

We were all hanging out in the town, well all of us except Amy. Tails told us she went home, when we went to check there, but she wasn't there! We decided that we well just go without her. "Hey I found Amy" Cream yelled to us, all of us rushed downnto where she was. We saw Amh holding hands with a black hedgehog with red stripes, they were heading towards the cafe. "Who is that?" Knuckles asked us, we all shrugged. None of us knew that mysterious hedgehog, he could hurt Amy. "It could be Amys boyfriend" Cream suggested, Sonic chuckled at that theory. Rouge gived Sonic a glare, "Whay blue boy, jealous thag Amy is not gonna chase you and get her heart broken. JUST BECAUSE OF YOU!" Rouge was scaring Sonic, he shaked his head no. She went back to Knuckles,  kissing him on the cheek.

(Shadows pov)

I was having actually a good time with Amy, she did seem different. Also she reminded me of Maria, which got me a bit upset since I miss her much. Unlike other girls I talked to before, Amy didnt talk just about herself, she tried to talk about me a lot,  she also talked about her friends and stuff you normally talk about. I could say already we are becoming good friends. We both paid for our meal and walked out, she took my hand again and lead me somewhere.

(Sonics pov)

He were spying on Amy and that hedgehog. I didnt feel like doing it, but I was bored. "Amy where are we going?" the black hedgehog asked Amy, she turned around and stopped.  "Trust me Shadow, it will be fun" she said before running of with thay Shadow guy. "He doesnt look like a threat" Blaze said, but I didnt trust that guy.

(Amys pov)

I took him all the way to my house, I told to sit on the couch while I get some DVDs. I joined him on the couch and let him chose a movie, it was a romantic comedy. Before the movie began, I made us some popcorn. I was really enjoying his company. We laughed and joked around, we even had a popcorn fight. After the movie was done, it was late and he had to go home. "Hey, can I get your number?" he asked me, I just smiled and nodded. "And can I get yours?" he nodded and wrote his phone number into my phone. "Bye, see you tomorrow? " I asked him, he turned around and nodded, " I will text you, is that okay?" he asked me, while I give him a nod. Before he left I give him a hug, when I was hugging him I saw my friends lookig at me. I told him bye and went inside, I didn't want to talk to them, they didn't seem happy.

I sat down on my couch *Knock Knock* "Amy open the door!" one of my friends said. "I want to be alone, im tired. Goodnight!" I said, with that I turned the lights down and locked my door. I went upstairs to my room and got changed into my nightgown and went to sleep.


Alright, please vote and comment. That lets me know that you guys like this story and want me to continue, so I wont quit this book. :)

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