The End Of Trouble

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(Normal pov)

Amy and Shadow were both walking back to Amy's house, they took a calm walk through the park. As they arrived at Amy's house,they were welcomed by Scourge. He stood there with a knife in his hand, and a rope in the other.

"What are you doing here?!" Shadow yelled, clenching his fists. Amy went behind Shadow, being scared of Scourge. She was never scared of robots, she could fight them without a problem. Even though they shoot at you, but Scourge won't shoot he is less dangerous. But he never used a knife either.

"Having you here should be more fun!" he said back, giving out a small evil laugh.

Shadow charged at Scourge, while he tried to use the knife against him. Shadow quickly grabbed the blade with his hand, he flinching in pain. But grabbed it and took the knife off Scourge and thrown it away. Blood dripping from his hand.

Amy quickly got her phone and called the police, making sure that Scourge can't hear her. She told them what is happening, where she lives and told them to get here quickly.

Shadow kept fighting Scourge, he kicked him in the gut. But Shadow got punched in the face, making his nose bleed. Just before Shadow got kicked by Scourge, police rushed in and grabbed Scourge. They nodded their head at Amy and took Scrouge to prison.

Without a thought Amy rushed to Shadows side. She helped him up onto the sofa, and rushed into her bathroom for her first-aid kit.

"Shadow, why would you *sob* grab the knife *sob* like that" Amy said, millions of tears streaming down her face.

Shadow placed his left hand on Amy's cheek, whipping the tears away with his thumb. She looked at him, her eyes had a mix of emotions. Shadow gives her a smile and kisses her forehead.

"It could be worse" said Shadow, with a little smile. Trying not to worry Amy too much.

"Shadow, this is worse!" Amy said, her voice slightly raised. She took out some cleaning water for the wound, that he has on his hand.

Afterwards she placed a bandage, when she was done she kissed it. Shadow only smiled, as Amy noticed what she just did, she blushed.

She then got some tissues for his bleeding nose. As she went to get some, she found a note beside them. She took the tissue box to Shadow, and started reading the letter.

"Dear Shadow,
If you want to see your beloved Amy once again, then come to the dark alley. At midnight, but come by yourself and if you don't Amy is going to get it!
From Scourge"

As Amy read it, she was in shock. This is what Scourge originally wanted, revenge on Shadow. She sat down beside Shadow, staring at the letter.

Shadow noticed this and snatched the letter away, and began reading it. As he finished he got up, and placed the note in the bin. He sat back down, to where Amy was crying. He got closer to her and hugged her, she hugged back crying on his chest fur.

"Shadow" Amy said, her voice quiet. But she stopped crying, Shadow lets go of Amy. She looks into his eyes, with a hint of worry in them.

"Don't worry Amy, I won't let him hurt you" Shadow said, but Amy took his hand and shook her head 'no'.

"I don't want you to get hurt" Amy said, as she hugged him again. Shadow hugged the pink hedgehog back, as he smoothed her back as well.


After a little while, Amy got carried by Shadow to bed. Before Shadow left, Amy sat up on her bed, getting his attention.

"Shadow, can you....uhm....sleep with me...tonight?" The Sakura hedgehog asked, as she looked down at her covers. To embarrassed to look up at Black hedgehog.

Shadow smiled at his girlfriend, he didn't understand it but he founds this cute. He went over to Amy bed, and since we was already in his boxers, ready to go sleep in the guest room. He just slipped under the covers, and hugged Amy onto his chest.

Amy gives out a little gasp, as she didn't see this coming. She looked up to his ruby red eyes, and smiled. She planted a kiss on his cheek, before falling asleep.

Hope you liked it, we are nearly done!

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