Is this a date?

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(Shadows pov)

I was laying down on my bed, I was bored and had no idea what to do. I looked at my phone, Time: 9:27pm. I groaned at my phone, when it hit me. And I mean hit me, it landed on my face. I picked it up and went to my contacts, I clicked Amys name and texted her.

To Amy Rose

Hey, it's Shadow. Want to hang about today?

With that I sended her the message,  waiting for my reply.

From Amy Rose

Sure, meet you at the cafe 10pm?


To Amy Rose

Sure, seeya then.

I got up and took a shower, when I came out I saw my phone blinking that I got a text. I picked my phone us to see it.

From Amy Rose

see ya :)

I smiled at the text, I looked at the time, 9:57pm. Shit, I gonna be late since the cafe is 10 min away. I was so dumb, I took out my chaos emerald and "CHAOS CONTROL!" I was outside the cafe waiting for Amy.

(Amys pov)

The time is, 10:02pm. I see the cafe and Shadow waiting there, first time I am late. "Sorry, hope you didnt wait long." I told him, he just give me a warm smile. "Dont worry, I didnt." with that he took my hand and lead me somewhere. We walked for 15 min before arriving in front of the Twinkle Park.(thats what its called?) We got in for free since we looked like a cute couple, to which I blushed. I asked him can we grab somethig to eat first, I was hungry. After we finished, I asked him "Shadow, why didnt you text earlier?" he looked at me, "Had a bad day." When I tried to ask him what happend, he took my hand and dragged me to the haunted house. All the way through I was holding on to him, for my dear life.

Now it was my turn, I dragged him to the photo booth. We made some silly poses, but the last photo was of me kissing his cheek and him blushing. I was going to keep this forever, I always wanted to come here with Sonic, but instead I came here with my Shadow. Did I just call him MY Shadow? I shooked it off.


Sorry its short but the next one will be longer and if not, I will upload two parts in one day. Hope you liked it, please vote and comment. Im not saying you have to but it would be nice and...

Shadow: Okay they get it...SHUT UP!

Me: *Mumbles* Rude

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