Plan ShadAmy

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(Normal pov)

As Rouge saw Shadow and Amy leave, she called Silver and Blaze. She told them, to get to twinkle lake A.S.A.P (As Soon As Possible). Also to get Manic, Sally and Sonia along the way.

Sonic along with Cream, Tails and Knuckles stood there confused. Rouge turned to them, about to speak up. When Silver, Blaze, Sally, Manic and Sonia came up.

"Well, that was quick." The white bat said, having them all giggle/chuckle. When everyone sat down quiet, she spoke up again. "Guys, we might have a new couple. But we need to help th..." Rouge was cut off, by Creams delicate voice.

"Where is Amy, and Mr. Shadow???" asked the confused rabbit, tilting her head to the side.

"Well...thats our new couple!" as Rouge saidd that, Sonic chocked on his chilly dog. While Knuckles and the other boys, not including Sonic and Tails burst out laughing.

They all thoght its a joke, so did the girls. Because after a while everyone was laughing, everyone but Rouge. They stopped when they saw the serious face Rouge had, she was not jocking.

" Okay, THAT was NOT needed. But as I also wanted to say, Amy is over our Blue Blur. Now she is falling for Shadow, but in more mature way. She told me that, also Shadow told me he likes Amy. When he gived me his payment at G.U.N......THAT reminds me! I can get that DIAMOND!!!!" when Rouge yelled about the diamond, her eyes shone like ones. And Knuckles only sighed, another gem she will keep talking about.

Everyone sat there, silent. No one dared to speak up. Because what will they say, they are not sure if she isnt fooling around. Finally Blaze had the curaged, to ask Rouge.

"So, you want us to do something? Or is this one of your gossips?" She asked, getting a glare of Rouge.

" OF COURSE I WANT YOU GUYS TO DO SOMETHING." she said/shouted, she took out a piece of paper and a pen. " Alright, both Shadow and Amy asked me for help. So if we come up with a plan, I can make them go there without a prob."

They all nopdded their heads, as the group began thinking for plans. They called their mission : Plan ShadAmy!


Amy and Shadow, were having a nice walk. They reached a hill, that looked over the city. They sat down, and admired the sunset together. They leened on a big old, oak tree. Amy cuddled into Shaows chest fur, and Shadow put his arm around Amy. They cute not yet couple, sat there enjoying the view.

They didnt know that someone was watching them, someone who wanted to hurt the sakura hedgehog. He wanted to couse pain to Sonic, and now Shadow. He spied on the couple for a little longer, before having to go away.

After an hour or so, Amy fell asleep in Shadows arms. Shadow noticing it, picked Amy up. He then chaos controled, to Amys house. He laid her in bed gently, and went back home. Before he left, he kissed her on he forehead. Having her smile, while driffting off to sleep.

Long time, huh? I....Well...uh...em..I cant come up with an exuse. Im just lazy, but blame my exams aswell!!!! I HATE STUDING!!!!

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