A New Crush?

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(Amys pov-Dream)

I was walking down the aisle with a lovely bouquet of roses in my hand. The music was loud, all my friends were sitting down. Their eyes following my every move, I walk up to the groom. "Ohh Sonikku." I said, when I turned to look at his eyes. They were ruby red, "You shouldn't be here" I whispered to Shadow. "Why not? Its our wedding"....OUR WEDDING!!!

(Amys pov)

I woke up, I was sweating and breathing loudly. That was different, I always dream of my Sonikku since Im in love with him. Some people say dream reflect your emotions, I CANT be in LOVE with SHADOW! Its not logical, im in love with Sonic and my heart just beats fast near him, and not near Shadow. I got up, and decided to take a shower. After coming out of the shower,and got changed i went downsatirs.I saw Blaze, Cream, Rouge, Sally and Sonia sitting on the couch talking about clothes.

"Amy!" They all screamed,  and run up to me and hugged me. They grabbed my arms and pulled me on the couch, they sat all around me. "Ok Girl, who was that black hedgehog?" Rouge said, all of their eyes went big. "...Shadow..." I whispered. Blaze rolled her eyes, "Amy, we know his name, but who is he?" I looked at Blaze, then at every other girl. NO WAY,  "You girls were spying on us!" I raised my voice slightly. Their heads went down, so did they ears. "Yeah..." all of them said, then their head went up, ears still down. "Hey, the boys spied as well. Kind of their idea and ours. " Rouge said, this made me mad. "BOYS AS WELL!!!" I yelled, my piko piko hammer appearing. All the girls backed away, then the door opened reliving the boys. They all looked at the girls, then at me. All of them moved to where the girls are to ask whats happening, I closed the door.

"YOU SPIED ON ME AND SHADOW!!??!!" I yelled at them, my piko piko hammer still in my hand. They all stood there shocked, and terrified. I took a huge breath, that calmed me down. My hammer disappeared, tears falling from my eyes. "Why, you guys don't trust me anymore?" I said, pretty quietly. I opened the door and ran, I heard them yell my name. I ignored that and ran, I found myself crying and running through the forest. The forest where I first met Shadow. I stopped by a small river,  I went down on my knees and started crying. I heard someone coming, "Leave...me...alone" I said,  sobbing after nearly every letter.

"Amy, you sure yo want me to go?" I turned around it was Shadow, I run up to him and hugged him, crying on his chest.

(Normal pov)

Sonic and the rest of Amys friends followed her, they saw their Amy crying near a river and a field full of flowers every kind. Trees surrounding Amy and her friends, before they could come up to her they saw Shadow walking up instead. "Leave...me...alone" Amy said sobbing on the words, "Amy, you sure you want me to go?" The black hedgehog asked her, all her friends wanted to be there for her, not him. Amy turned around, and runned up to the black hedgehog,  hugging him and crying on his chest.

Everyone felt bad for Amy, Cream was about to cry herself. Shadow smoothed her quills, also hugging her. He tried his best to calm down the sakura hedgehog. "Amy, why are you crying?" he asked her, his voice gentle. "Shadow...I...they..." she started crying again, Shadow held her close and took her hand. The not so happy group of friends followed.

"How can she like him more than us!" Sonia said, rather angry. Sonia and Amy were really close since both of them are pink hedgehogs. Yet Sonia is a darker pink, while Amy is a lighter shade of pink. Manic came up to his sister to calm her down a bit. None of the friends were happy about this, they all knew Amy was mad at them for spying. But anyway they did it again.

(Shadows pov)

I dont know why Amy was crying, but I would find a way to cheer her up. I took her to Twinkle Park, it was early but the Park was open 24/7. I walked inside, we got in for free again. Apparently we make a cute couple, well now we kind of do since she was still hugging into me. I felt like something was following us, and I didnt like it. We went inside a cafe, we both ordered a set of chips (fries) and glass of coca cola. When we finished she seemed cheered up. She was about to look for her handbag, "I will pay, its not a lot anyway." with that said I paid our waitress the money and we left.

When we walked around, I felt eyes following my every move. "Shadow, are you okay?" Amy asked, I shooked it off. "Yeah, I just have a feeling like someone is watching us." I told her, she looked around so did I. We both noticed blue quills sticking out of the bushea, we went there. "SONIC!!!" Amy screamed, a hammer appeard in her hand. A blue hedgehog and a lot of other came out, and Rouge. "YOU GUYS WERE SPYING AGAIN!!!" she yelled at them, wait again? I stood there slightly confused,  my arms crossed. "Amy, we can explain" said a orange two tailed fox. "Save it Tails, I cant trust you guys!" her voice going down a bit, bit she was still shouting. I noticed tears forming in her eyes, her feelings are gentle. I walked up to her, she turned her head and hugged on to me. "Shadow, I want to go" she whispered in my ear, everyone was staring at me.  "Nice meeting you, bye." I said, while taking out a chaos emerald, "A Chaos Emerald!" All of them yelled, I raised it up "CHAOS CONTROL!"

We stood outside Amys house, she let go of me and kissed my cheek. "How did you do that?" she asked me pointing to the emerald. "Im the ultimate life form, the one who controls the power of Chaos Emeralds." she just smiled, usually people laugh or mock me about it. "Shadow, can we go to your house, they will come here and I dont want to talk to them." She said,  I nodded. I grabbed her by the waist, then we saw her friends running over shouting her name, when they saw me they ran faster.

"Please Shadow, hurry up" she said, her voice quiet. I picked up the emerald and yelled, "CHAOS CONTROL" just before they reached us. We were at Space Colony A.R.K. She looked around and went to the massive windows, from where she saw Earth. "Wow Shadow, you live in space?" she asked me, "No, but its a place where you can calm down. Also the place which I didnt visit in a couple of years time. My first home." I told her, she came up to me and hugged me again, not that I had a problem with that. "Thank you Shadow, I dont know how I will repay you. Ever" she said letting me go, "You dont have to, Rose" I said, making her blush. That blush was beautiful.

"Is that a nickname for me?" she asked blushing, I nodded my head. "I like it, hmmm...I will give you a nickname as well. How about Shady?" she asked me, her eyes full of hope that I like it. "Hmmm, I love it" I said giving her a warm smile. We stared talking about random stuff all day long, we cooked dinner together had a little food fight half way through. We had a great time, for me anyways. I think Im in love with Amy Rose.


Finally, some progress.  Hope you guys liked this part. Shadow is in love, what about Amy? Well we only know one side of the story. If you dont know Sonia and Manic, check out Sonic Underground.

P.S for the ones that didn't read my SonAmy. I made an update saying I will be going away 16.4.14 to 19/20.4.14 and I might not be able to update, and if I do the chapter might be short.

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