Years Later!

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(Normal Pov)

-10 years later

Shadow and Amy have been living together for 9 years, in Amy's house. All four were getting ready for a beach party, that was help by Rouge and Knuckles.

I said four right? Yep you read it right, the four were getting ready to go.

"MUM!!!!" yelled Maria, as she ran down the stairs.

"What is it sweetie?" asked Amy, as she bend down so she can be her daughters height.

"I cut my finger...and it hurts" cried Maria, as tears fell down her face.

"Maria, your a big girl. Your already 6, I'm sure it will be fine" said Shadow, as he picked up little Maria.

"Daddy? Where is Swift?" asked the black and pink hedgehog.

"Dad, Dad! DAD!" yelled Swift, as he ran in the house.

"Kids please stop playing around, aunt Rouge is waiting for us." said Amy, as Shadow placed Maria down.

"Alright mum!" said the kids, as they both ran upstairs.

"I go call knuckles to say we will run a bit late." said Shadow, as he went away to call Knuckles.

(Amy's Pov)

I walked back into the kitchen, I promised to make some of my famous foods. So I was stuck in the kitchen a while.

While I packed everything, Shadow made sure to get the kids ready. Now they were waiting in the car.

"This is like the fifth party thrown by Rouge, in a month." said Shadow, as he took one of the baskets to help me.

"She always loved to party, and we get to see everyone." I said, as I took the other basket.

-at Rouges-

We went first of all to their beach house, that they have been staying in over every summer. It was fairly big, for a family of 5.

(Normal Pov)

All of the gang and their families arrived, having a barbecue and a game of netball. Everyone went swimming, except Sonic, his fear of water seemed to never leave and never will.

They all also eat Amy's wonderful cooking, since she was known as the best cook in the group.

When it started getting dark, everyone headed home, since their children had to go to sleep soon.

When Shadow and Amy arrived, Maria and Swift have already fallen asleep. Shadow took Swift up to his room, while Amy took Maria up to her room.

"I am exhausted, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight" said Amy, as she kissed Shadow on the cheek.

Not long after Amy was in bed, Shadow joined her. Both fell asleep peacefully, happy of the family the have.

And that's the happy ending for our ShadAmy couple. This chapter was to give you a little information what happens years later.

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