So who is the one???

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(Amys pov)

Next morning, I was woke up by a text. First of all I cheked the time, 11am. SO EARLY! Anyway, the text was from Rouge.
From Rouge
Hey hun, so wanna do this today? We are having a great weather. I asked Sonic, to hang about with me you and Knuckles at 1pm. The thing is, me you him will meet up. No knuckles, he will call me making me go away, and you two alone!!!!! A set up date! Comeing round in 1hr, be ready!
Rouge xxx

Well that was that set up, cant back out now. What am I saying! I will have a kind of date with Sonikku! I got out my bed, heading towards the bathroom. I had a quick shower and got dressed, and managed to finish my breakfast when Rouge came in. No knocking.

"Hey hun....whoa...nope you cant wear that red dress for your date....We have o find you something diffrent!" Rouge said, not even letting me resspond.

Rouge dragged me up to my room, opened my closet. As soon as she did that, she started throwing my clothes out of it. Saying either 'Nope' or 'Nah' or even 'No way'. She finally picked a red straples top that showed belly ever so slightly, a white skirt with blue roses at the bottom. That skirt went down to my knees. With that she also handed me white sandals. I went in the bathroom and got changed, when I came out Rouges eyes went wide. She clapped, and dragged me downstairs, as if  I couldn't walk myself.

I managed to lock my door, before getting dragged. She finally let go, so I could walk by myself. We made it there just on time, Sonic was already there. He waved us over, me and Rouge hurried up to him.

"Hey Sonic, how are you?" I asked him, but he only ignored me. He turned to Rouge.

"Where is Knux? He should be here aswell." Rouge nodded, then gestured towards me. He relised, that he has missed my question."Sorry Ames, I am fine. And you" he said, his voice annoyed.

I nodded my head, to say I am fine. Then, Rouges phone rang. She showed us with her finger 1 second, she answerd and walked away a bit. I was sure it is Knuckles, letting her get away. Then spy on us, to see if I lover Sonic or Shadow more etc.

She came back, a frown on her face. "Hey guys, I gotta go. Sorry, ohh and Knuckles wont make it. Have fun you two" She give a glare at Sonic, as if she was saying be nice and don't f*ck up. She smiled at me, the walked away.

Sonic wasn't too happy, I guess he didn't like my company. But why, I did nothing to him. We were walking around the park, no words have been spoken. I saw Rouge in the bushes, she gestured for me to talk. But this was the first time I had no idea what to say.

" Amy! " I turned around to see Shadow, ohh no. This was not a part of the plan.

"Hi Shady, why are you here?" I asked him, making Sonic make a little face. Usually I would only give Sonic a nickname, no one else.

" Just walking around, until I saw you and Sonic walking around. Came up to say hi, also you seemed upset so..." he stopped there, this made me have blush slightly. He cared about me,and Sonic was beside me and didn't care!

" Care to join us Shadow? " Sonic asked, I guess this would be less akward for him. It was unusal to see me and Sonic, without him running away.

Shadow nodded, and I was stuck between both of them. Sonic looking around, Shadow looking at me often to see if I am fine. I got a call from Rouge, I mentioned them one sec. They went to sit down on the bench, while I was talking to Rouge I had my eyes on them.

(Phone call)

Rouge: Ohh girl, love triangle!

Me(Amy): Rouge! What do I do now!?

Rouge: Just have fun, and it looks like Shadow likes you btw!

Me: Really!? O_O

Rouge: Hell ya....gtg have fun. If they ask, say that I called to say sorry again.

Me : Bye *hang up*

(End of phone call)

I walk up to the boys, none of them said a word. Since I was watching them. When I walked up, Sonic got up. Put his arm around me, even if I wished of this happening. Something made me jerk him away.

" See told ya, she hates me" he said, a playful smirk apearing on his face. Shadow rolled his eyes.

Sonic sat down again, Shadow mentioned for me to sit in the middle. I sat down, gaving  a glare to both of them. Maybe they did talk and I didnt see.

" Ohh and Sonic, I do like you. Just that was suprising, cause you usually ignor me. But if you need me I am always there for you." I said, a small smile across my face.

I just remembered, all the times when someone needed me I was there. But I hardly had anyone there for me. I guess I got upset, because the next thing I know Shadow asked me if I was okay. And Sonic ingoring me again, my emotions and what I said.

" Hey faker, did you hear what she said to you?" Shadow said, getting pissed at Sonic. Did Sonic really ignor me completly?

"No, she said something?" Sonic answerd, he didn't seem to care. He never does anyway, so why even bother. Shadow only got pissed.

" Yes, actually she mentioned how you IGNOR her, and how when you need help, she is always there. This even got her upset, if you even CARE!"

I was scared,I didn't want them to fight. If I knew this would happen, I would stay at home. I feel terrible now.

" I NEVER ASKED HER TO! ANYWAY WHY SHOULD I CARE WHAT YOU THINK. ITS NOT LIKE YOU SAVED HER LIFE BEFORE!" Sonic yalled at Shadow, both of them now standing oin front of me.

" Actually, I DID! Also I know why you save her, because you HAVE TO AS A HERO!" Shadow yelled back, now all my worries of the fight went away. Did Sonic only saved me because he had no other choice?

I couldn't help but cry, this made them stop. Shadow sat beside me, Sonic just stood there. I stood up, and ran having both of them following me.

(Normal pov)

As Amy ran, she made her way to the forest. Tears falling down her cheeks. She soon got garbbed by Scrouge again. When he was about to hit her, Sonic takkled him to the ground, while Shadwo ran up to check on Amy. She thanked them, and apologized for running away. Wipping her tears.

" Ames, I am sorry. I just didn't spend time with you because.... I didn't want you to get the wrong idea of me loving you. Because I don't, but you are special to me.....I am sorry." Sonic said, his ears going down.

Amy walked up to him , and hugged the blue hero. Getting him to hug back, she whispered a small thanks into his ears. Shadow stood there, and smiled. Shocked at what Sonic said aswell. He give him thumbs up, as Sonic smiled at him. Then Amy wenty over to Shadow, hugging him and making him blush. Sonic noticing that, smirked at Shaddow making him role his eyes. Amy said thanks to him aswell, with that the 3 hedgehogs left the forest, walking Amy home.
Sorry, exams coming up. Had some alrready and been busy. :)

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